Reincarnated Ro Be His Luna
Reincarnated Ro Be His Luna
While attempting to rescue Alpha William but witnessing his brutal murder by an unknown assailant, Isabella, a wizard, met her demise at the jaws of a werewolf only to find herself reincarnated a year earlier. With a lifelong devotion to William, she was resolute in her mission to rescue him in this iteration of life, but the antagonists lurked in the shadows, their identities concealed. Can she succeed in preserving both William and herself in this reincarnation, or will she find herself the primary target of the enemy's ire due to the profound alterations in the unfolding events of this fresh existence?
The Alpha's Mate Is Impostor
The Alpha's Mate Is Impostor
Desperate to find her twin, Freya, who got kicked by their father out of their pack, Mia Eveleigh entered the BloodPearl Pack territory—the rival of their pack. Mia Eveleigh learnt that the Alpha of the BloodPearl Pack was currently looking for Freya because the Alpha discovered that Freya was his mate. But Freya was already pregnant by somebody else. Afraid, Freya begs Mia to pretend to be her and immediately ran away. Suddenly, the Alpha’s comrades surrounded Mia. Magnus Haven, appeared and the moment he saw Mia, his blood-like handsome eyes glowed. Magnus grabbed Mia’s collar, he looked down to her lips and whispered, “Found you, Freya” that made her left shocked. The Alpha thought she was her twin sister! Mia thought of running away until she remembered the poor pup inside Freya’s womb. Mia has only one option left to save her family, and that is to accept to pretend ... and be the impostor of the Alpha’s mate.
The Substitute Bride of the Alpha
The Substitute Bride of the Alpha
''I didn't love you from the beginning...Nate.'' Margarett Fellope died in the clan war between the White Clan pack and the Vougch Clan pack. Nate, who was meant to be her husband, murdered her. Beatrice Fellope, her identical twin, pretends to be Margarett and marries Nate to exact revenge and justice. Beatrice intends to murder Nate, but her conscience intervenes every time she attempts to do so. Their love conflict, chaotic marriage, and murder affair slowly transform into a love full of affection and lust full of love. Will she still want revenge and justice for her sister? Or will she fall in love with the Alpha who murdered her twin sister?
RAVEN: The Supernatural Creature
RAVEN: The Supernatural Creature
His name is Raven Morgan but known as RAVEN for short. Raven has a dark past that he hasn’t revealed to anyone and due to his past life, he decided to keep a low-key. But everything turned upside down when he got to College. One fateful day, on his way home after his last day in high school he was attacked and bitten by an unknown creature (find out in the story) and he collapsed afterwards and was rushed down to the hospital. Getting to the hospital he was treated and discharged that same day as they noticed the wound wasn’t severe which was quite rare to the medical personnel because the wound looked deep. Raven didn’t take the injury personally but he was still in shock at how a creature not humane attacked him that same. After that incident and no effect was made on him, he was diagnosed injury-disease-free. Raven, was happy again. But on the latter day, his happiness vanished when he suddenly noticed an abnormal change in his body. RAVEN: “Oh my G!!! What’s happening to me??” he asks no one in particular. His iris changes colour uncontrollably, his body figures too and at the end of all. He turned out to be an unimaginably handsome dude (human) to be precise. *** FAST-FORWARD *** Today being the first day in college, Raven had a lot to digest. Such of those are; his new body features which he was proud enough to have, his new uncontrollable powers and worst of all. His sudden Urge for DESIRES. . . What will happen when RAVEN finds out who he really is and what powers he possesses?? Who do you think is RAVEN??? . . FIND OUT MORE….
Rich and powerful! Richard never imagined getting entangled with a girl like Lovelyn, the innocent and naive daughter of a pastor. This story is centered on the love story between two personalities from different world.
Amada esposa del dios de la guerra
Amada esposa del dios de la guerra
Mi suegra me odiaba tanto porque no podía darle un bebé a su hijo a pesar de que mi esposo y yo llevamos seis años casados. Quería desesperadamente que mi marido se divorciara de mí, así que ella y mi mejor amiga me tendieron una trampa para que un extraño me la folle. Cuando mi esposo se enteró de esto, se burló de mí y se divorció de mí. Mientras arrastraba dolorosamente mi equipaje fuera de su casa, vi a mi mejor amiga embarazada cargando su equipaje dentro de la casa de mi esposo. Resulta que mi esposo dejó embarazada a mi mejor amiga. Abandoné la ciudad desesperadamente. Siete años después, me convertí en un popular cirujano general y ahora tengo hermosos trillizos a mi lado. Pero me enviaron de regreso a mi ciudad porque mis habilidades médicas eran más necesarias. En un giro del destino, me casé con un apuesto soldado. Solo después de reanudar el trabajo descubrí que el soldado con el que me acabo de casar es el general de cinco estrellas, líder de todas las unidades militares del país y, además, era, con mucho, el hombre más rico del país. Solo soy una madre soltera que intenta crear una vida mejor para mis tres hijos, ahora que me encontré enredada en su mundo frío y despiadado, ¿cómo sobreviviré? ¿Y cómo le explicaré que no sé cómo mis trillizos se parecían tanto a él?
El lobo de Trueno
El lobo de Trueno
Nadie ha visto su rostro, pero todos han oído hablar de él. Todos temen su nombre porque dondequiera que se pronuncie su nombre, el resultado es la destrucción absoluta y completa. Se sabe que acaba con una manada completa en unos pocos minutos y nunca ha habido un sobreviviente. Dicen que ataca a los Alfas, otros dicen que odia a los pícaros pero nadie sabe quién será su próximo objetivo. Dicen que el cielo se cubre de nubes negras y los truenos golpean el suelo en el lugar donde ataca. El consejo de hombres lobo lo declaró el lobo más buscado del mundo, con la orden de matar a la vista. Si tan solo pudieran tenerlo a la vista Con la vista del águila, la velocidad del relámpago y el rugido del trueno, él era el lobo más poderoso que jamás se haya conocido. Era el LOBO DEL TRUENO. ¿O debería decir ELLA?
Mated to the hybrid alpha
Mated to the hybrid alpha
Alexa dreaded her eighteenth birthday, why? On her eighteenth birthday she would officially be Alpha Diaz's Bedwarmer. Living as his slave was one thing but warming his bed every night was another... How could she warm the bed of the man who proclaimed her father a traitor, the one who is responsible for her family death. To others he might be a savior but to her, he is the one she hates with every spit on her tongue. But just on her eighteenth birthday, she was rescued... By an Hybrid Alpha, who turns out to be her mate.
Beloved Wife Of The God Of War
Beloved Wife Of The God Of War
My mother in law hated me so much cause I couldn't bear her son a baby eventhough my husband and I have spent six years in marriage. She desperately wants my husband to divorce me so she and my bestfriend set me up to be f*cked by a stranger. When my husband heard of this, he mocked me and divorced me. While painfully dragging my luggage out of his house, I saw my pregnant bestfriend carrying her luggage inside my husband's house. Turns out my husband has impregnated my bestfriend. I cried blood and left the city. Seven years later, I became a popular Surgeon General and now have beautiful triplets by my side. But I was deployed back to my city cause my medical skill was most needed. In a twist of fate, I got married to an handsome solider. Only after I resumed work did I find out that the soldier I just married is the five star General, leader of every military units in the country plus he was by far the wealthiest man in the country. I'm just a single mother trying to create a better life for my three kids, now that I found myself entangled in his cold and ruthless world, how will I survive? And how will I explain to him that I do not know how my triplets bore the same resemblance with him?
The Wicked Alpha
The Wicked Alpha
Rebecca was watching the full moon from the window of her room. AND hearing the speech behind her back. She already decided to let him live here... It was not a game of mind but her heart. And she already has given her heart to him. But the dangers that come along with him are far more dangerous than she can even think, she never thought that she will lose everything along in the fight for love and trying to change the evil into good. Only because of the Alpha Wolf that came out as her true mate. "Luna Moon, we can not let a Male Wolf enter our territory. It will be not only dangerous but very risky for all of us and our pack." Beta Julie said. "He is not what he looks like, there is something very dangerous and off vibe that has come along with him," Simon warned her... "Not only you, but I also don't believe my brother I don't even know where he was all these years, what he was up to... Don't trust him!" Simara was the traitor but she also told her...
The Alpha's Forbidden Love
The Alpha's Forbidden Love
Lucy Garcia, a rogue from childhood, is been haunted by the pack she hates the most, the hallowed manes. Finding out her mate was no other than the alpha of the hallowed manes made her furious. She wanted nothing to do with anyone from the pack but she was bound to her mate and she couldn’t deny the love she had for Chris. Chris Parker had just been coronated as the alpha of his pack and his first assignment is to hunt down all rogue wolves in the woods. The rogues had killed one of their Omegas during an invasion. No wolf of their pack was allowed to associate with any rogue as it was seen as a taboo. Love is the greatest power in existence. Its presence can be deeply felt wherever it resides. Will Chris abandon the rule of the pack just to be with the one he loves? Will Lucy accept Chris as her mate despite the hatred she has for the pack?
Quande was not only a hardened criminal but a lover of his family. When times became difficult, he knew he had to be more difficult on the times to survive— To survive, nine-year-old Minlax was required on the altar of Calwalls... And as soon as he took the invisible oath he turned into a life of a Monster he never envisioned— Gilly, his beautiful wife soon noticed that Quande had changed and that the love that once held the family together was fast disappearing— Who made him a Monster? When did his greed for money and sex become insatiable? The more Gilly’s thoughts tumbled in the inside of her head, the more Quande became a shadow of himself and soon, the seven witches of Izaza have to be summoned on a rescue mission to keep Quande alive— Quande must die? Or— Will God save him? Was karma bringing its victim home to roast? Something sinister awaits the Quandes, something so hideous; it seems not earthly but spawned in hell...
Alpha Prince Unexpected Mate
Alpha Prince Unexpected Mate
"Mate!" He heard his wolf growl. Lancelot's eyes dropped to the place she shook his palm. 'You have got to be kidding me.' ******** She had lost everything in just one day her job she tried so hard to find, her fiance she dated half of her life, and what remained of a relationship with her twin sister. The one thing she could not afford to lose was what was left of her dignity — certainly not at a wedding that should have been hers. And that was why she needed him, the handsome stranger across the road. What Roxanne Harvey didn't know was that this stranger was here to stay. Lancelot Dankworth, Alpha Prince of the London Pride Pack couldn't believe his eyes. The crazy American woman yelling at his assistant caused his wolf to growl possessively for the first time in 26 years. He never believe he would be capable of ever loving anyone else, but why can't he seem to keep his emotions in check whenever he was around the crazy American woman? He loves being alone, he had always been, but why is suddenly being apart from her driving him nuts? They should not be together. He is an alpha prince and she is a human woman. However, this fact does not stop him from falling head over heels in love with her. With Lancelot's dark past and numerous enemies, he struggles to protect her from his countless enemies, as well as himself. Would their bond be strong enough to conquer all? Or would they lose each other along with themselves?
TOSSED; The Serendipitous Lady
TOSSED; The Serendipitous Lady
Just one night was all it took for Xiomara’s life to be torn into pieces, everything she had, her family gone and her friends, everyone turned their back on her and it was as if she never existed She was left with just one thing, a baby, as young as she was about to have a child she couldn't even tell who the father was. And then, Upon giving birth, her baby was taken away from her and was given up for adoption, she wasn't even given the slightest opportunity to see her baby. Using the last energy to fight, she was caught up in a fire outbreak which almost ended her life. Twenty-five years later, Xiomara resurfaced again, within the past few years she had worked on herself, making herself stronger and more powerful and now she was ready. Ready to take everything she lost. Ready to have her own pound of flesh. Ready to find her lost child and make everyone that hurt her in the past pay dearly for it. But finding an unidentified child won't be easy neither will finding an unknown enemy be easy, she was in a battle where she has no idea who her enemy or enemies were. What could possibly go wrong in her revenge Plan? And Love does it really conquers all?
Bought By The Ruthless Alpha
Bought By The Ruthless Alpha
My brother put his hands between my legs after an Alpha raped me. Then he watched the privileged teenagers in the pack sexually assault me and torture me to no end. I’m an Alpha blood. But, instead of getting respected by my pack members, I became a humble slave. The beta always wants my body. My father’s guest thinks that he can fuck me as he wishes… Until one day, my father sells me to the Alpha who is my mate and the only one in the world who doesn’t hate me, for $100,000… But, will he accept me after he knew my history? ….. Bridget Smith lives in a pack where her father is Alpha and her mother Luna but she is no different from a slave. She works her bones all day and is constantly harassed sexually by her brother Shawn and another wolf in the pack. There are constant threats to sell her off to an evil Alpha even though she works as hard as she can. She is timid, shy, doesn't talk back and endures all the injustice without a word.   What happens after Bridget finds her mate, who she finds out had to pay heavily for her? Does she finally get her happily ever after life or there's more to it than what she can imagine? FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY.
Powerful Omega
Powerful Omega
Omegas are the weakest, and Alpha is the strongest, that's the werewolf pack hierarchy. By the time the omegas reach 18 years old, they shift into a werewolf form except for Alpha. But I didn't shift my form on my 18th birthday even though I'm an omega. The Alpha says my strength is not just the strength of a werewolf. He smelled my weakness but he felt my strength. On my 21st birthday, I shifted form but everything was not easy for me. Like Alpha, I also needed moonlight calls and when the moonlight hit me, I became a powerful omega.
The Substitute Bride and the Unwilling Husband
The Substitute Bride and the Unwilling Husband
Carol has always taken the fall for her irresponsible and spoiled younger sister, Victoria right from when they were young. When Victoria reveals that she is getting married to a billionaire whom she does not know out of the blues, Carol is surprised and tries to talk Victoria out of it. On the day of the wedding, Victoria absconds, at which point Carol’s parents reveal the horrible reason why Victoria was to be married off to the billionaire to her. As usual, their parents want Carol to bail her sister out and save the family from shame and danger by doing the unthinkable...marrying her sister's fiancée. Now, Carol is married to this cold and brooding stranger, who himself only agreed to a contract marriage with her because he needs to find his missing ex. Carol begins to fall in love with him…but all of a sudden, she finds herself in a competition with the ex, who suddenly shows up just when Sebastian begins to fall for Carol too.
Reincarnation: Bad Karma to Ultimate Power
Reincarnation: Bad Karma to Ultimate Power
A young boy was born with a large amount of bad Karma that causes destruction wherever he goes. He journeys off the Earth to find out why he has such bad karma and also make friends. And with the help of his friends, he fights obstacles along his way and becomes all powerful in this epic tale of comedy, romance and karma
ZO: Beautifully Scarred
ZO: Beautifully Scarred
This is a spin off story to SCAR: Born Like This. THIS IS A BOY LOVE (BL – YAOI NOVEL). Lorenzo Storm is a Were-Leopard, a Werecat Shapeshifter from The Storm Clan. This novel starts off before he is injected with Vampire venom but predominantly is about his life as a Werecat-Vampire Hybrid. Zo will go through trials of love, betrayal and revenge. But is revenge more important than the love of family? Follow Zo’s journey through his eyes and find out for yourself. Copyright Paige Evans 2022
Til Death Do Us Part
Til Death Do Us Part
Sohla Kim has everything you could want in life. Born rich and smart, to a family that has status, money, and power, while dominating the investment world. A pre-set betrothment to her childhood best friend, Jyeon Park. The handsome, equally wealthy, and smart, future heir of OLO, their joint family company. An unbreakable bond between two families, a future that looks bright and rosy. Only the perfect picture is only that, and ten years on, alone, holding her head above water, in a loveless marriage laced with tragedy, her entire world is turned upside down. Everything she thought she had and knew comes crashing down one fateful night. New waters, new faces, and a denial of the past will bring her back full circle to really question everything she was born for. Was it always about money? Was she always a tool to elevate Jyeon to higher levels? Did none of them really love her?
