A Heart's Desire
A Heart's Desire
Mr Ahmed is a good person from a respectable family. His daughter Tara also thinks like her father. She is a student and wants to raise the name of her father through her hard work. Accustomed to having high talents and great thinking, this girl does not believe in love at first, but after meeting Danesh, she finds out what love is. The Danesh rescue officer is a handsome and well-mannered person who is a friend of Mr Ahmed. He likes Tara very much because of her big and high thinking like her father. Danesh says that Tara is different from modern-day girls because she is ideological. In a very short time, Tara and Danesh fall in love with each other but what if Mr Ahmed finds out, will he feel bad? They both are worried about this. Danesh expresses his immense love for Tara and his heart's desire to marry her and make her life partner. But, Tara is adamant that her parents will not agree due to some reasons from Danesh's family. Will Tara leave Danesh despite loving him herself? Looking at the ups and downs in their lives, what miracle they are gonna expect that meet each other? Let's embark on the fantastic love story which is heading towards an unknown destination
"You need to leave now, Hazel's voice trembled as she mustered the courage to speak. You could wake Anna and things could get sticky." A mischievous grin played on his face" Things already are sticky" his voice was laced with arrogance as he fastened his pants. Hazel's regret washed over her as she bit her lips regretting her actions "This should be your last visit. She declared, So you could stay away from Ann, it's best for us all." His anger flared as he closed the distance between them and grabbed her shoulder fiercely. "I deserve every right to be part of Anna's life. She's, my daughter!" his voice echoed through the room. Terror filled Hazel's eyes. Just then the door creaked open, revealing a small figure. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, recognizing him a smile tugged her lips. "Is he the man from the movie, and grocery store and my school mommy?" Her voice tinged with innocence; I see you every time here too" she beamed at him. Her expression became serious suddenly "That means...she paused as confusion played on her face... Mommy....is he my daddy?"...
Destino retorcido
Destino retorcido
Alex Foster, el multimillonario más joven y el segundo hombre más acaudalado de la Gran Manzana, es conocido por su fama de conquistador, un verdadero Casanova y por su actitud arrogante. Sin embargo, encontró su igual el día que se topó con Ella Smith, una camarera de restaurante sin pretensiones. La atrajo hacia él con el propósito de someterla, de enseñarle una lección por atreverse a desafiar al semidiós Alex Foster. Pero cuanto más trataba de doblegarla, más se daba cuenta de la inquebrantable resistencia de ella ante sus embates. Desconcertado por su incapacidad para dominarla, se empeñó en descubrir por qué no podía someter a una "simple" chica...
La novia arreglada
La novia arreglada
"Dije que ya no ibas a trabajar." Ella esbozó una sonrisa burlona y desafiante. "Ya verás." Con esas palabras, se giró y la seguí con la mirada hasta que cruzó la puerta y desapareció. …………………………………. El multimillonario soltero de treinta años, Nicholas Carter, no siente especial cariño por la palabra "amor", debido a su pasado. ¿Qué sucederá cuando se vea comprometido en un matrimonio arreglado con la dulce e independiente Sophia Jones, de veintisiete años, quien se niega a someterse ante él y aceptar todo lo que él le impone, a diferencia de lo que haría una novia de matrimonio concertado típica? ¡Ah! ¿Mencioné que Nicholas Carter tiene un hijo de cinco años?
Vendida a él; Mi CEO despiadado
Vendida a él; Mi CEO despiadado
"¿Por qué? ¿Por qué me encadenas, Fergus?" Lo miré fijamente a sus ojos opacos. Sus rasgos marcados y su cuerpo atlético eran la razón por la que las chicas se le rendían. ¡Mi esposo! "¿Acaso no lo entiendes?" Pasó sus dedos por mi cabello y sonrió con malicia. "Esto lo hago para que no puedas huir otra vez, ¡cariño!" Exclamó y retomó su actividad anterior. ¡Me tenía prisionera! Antes, era tan grosero. Ahora, parecía estar obsesionado conmigo. Nuestro matrimonio fue un arreglo de nuestros padres. Él amaba a otra hace dos años, pero ahora... Todavía no me ama. A eso se le llama "obsesión".