Finding My Soulmate
Finding My Soulmate
Becoming the girlfriend of your secret childhood crush should feel like a dream come true, right ? But that was not the case with Sofia. Instead, she was betrayed by the person in the worst possible way, which turned her life upside down. She was separated from her parents and her biggest support system, her best friend James, who secretly loved her. Unknown to Sofia's sufferings, James went away to save his heart from more pain while Sofia went through sexual abuse alone for years. When she thought all doors of her escape were closed, James came back to her rescue, but not as an ordinary man, but as a handsome billionaire. Sofia was a broken soul and was on the run from the villain of her life, who was very powerful and influential in his field. When life gave Sofia a second chance, it remains to be seen, how James reunite her with her parents? How will he help her take revenge? What will they do when an illegitimate child is thrown in to the mix ? After facing every hurdle that came their way, an unbelievable truth about their past revealed itself to them. Will this truth tear them apart or bring them even closer ? Will they be able to get their happily ever after ?
Keeping His Dirty Little Secret
Keeping His Dirty Little Secret
Genevieve Cloepfil is a 26-year-old magazine journalist who works for a prominent publishing company run by Conrad Easton, the CEO. When Genevieve's 27th birthday arrived, she found herself at a highly reputable and elite strip club with Feliza, where a certain male stripper captured her interest. She was intoxicated, fueled by alcohol. And she was careless and naughty. Feeling her full energy and neediness. She has fully lost her mind as she reacts to every kiss, touch, and pleasure. She enjoyed an intimate evening with him. He was, unbeknownst to her, her boss.
Under the Incubus's Protection
Under the Incubus's Protection
Do you have the guts to sleep with a sex spirit? They say that they will give you protection and much more and the only thing they need in return is sex with a young beautiful woman. Cassie Black is an ordinary girl who could never think of entering such an arrangement, but when horrors from her family's past threaten her life and the lives of her loved ones, she needs protection to discover the truth and make things right. The pleasures of sleeping with an incubus are addicting and otherworldly until she discovers her night visitor has a personality that revolves around more than only sex. Will she be able to remove the threat in her life? Or has she only created another problem by getting a secret night lover?
Agent 20
Agent 20
Nora a girl who possesses powers unimaginable to humans,with no emotion or remorse to killing making her a perfect weapon. Damien,the most feared and ruthless mafia comes across Nora and her abilities,wanting her all to himself as he gives her a tempting proposal when she is in dire need of help
Mr.Twin Alpha are you interested
Mr.Twin Alpha are you interested
Ava Sullivan, the only Omega in the Lunarbane Pack, is treated as an outcast and a slave. She dreams of escaping, but the fear of the unknown keeps her bound to her pack. On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, she is rejected by her mate, Beta Jackson Hartley, crushing her hopes of a better life. But fate has a different plan. Ava finds herself drawn to two handsome strangers, her true mates, who are also the most powerful Alpha twins in the werewolf community. As Ava navigates through the complexities of her new life, she uncovers shocking truths about her family and her pack. With her life in danger, she must make a choice - to stay and fight for her place in the pack or to run away and live in the human world. Amidst betrayal, secrets, and fear, Ava must find the strength to survive and protect those she loves. Will she embrace her destiny as Luna, or will she let her fear dictate her future? Discover Ava's journey in this thrilling tale of love, courage, and self-discovery.
Fall For You ( Love, Marriage and Divorce #3)
Fall For You ( Love, Marriage and Divorce #3)
In a fateful encounter, Alex and Kiera discover love's enchantment, only to find their path strewn with lies, betrayals, and the looming specter of vengeance. As their star-crossed connection is tried and tested by deceit, their pursuit of happiness becomes a tumultuous journey. Will the love of the two star-crossed lovers endure the trials, or will the shadows of betrayal cast doubt on their chance at a true happily ever after?
El billonario traicionado
El billonario traicionado
[Contenido solo para adultos +18] Es complicado discernir quién realmente te protege de aquellos que solo esperan la oportunidad para traicionarte. "¿Por qué tienes que complicarlo todo?" chillé a pleno pulmón. Dios, ¿por qué tiene que ser todo tan complicado con él? "Soy tu jefe y tu deber es acatar mis órdenes. No estás en posición de desafiarme", espetó él, apretando los puños con fuerza. "¿Acaso escuchas las tonterías que dices?" "¡Cállate de una vez!" rugió con un antagonismo puro, golpeando con su puño un cuadro de vidrio que colgaba en la pared. Inhalé con fuerza al ver cómo el cristal se hacía añicos, cayendo en pedazos diminutos, mientras gotas de sangre se deslizaban por sus nudillos. Su mandíbula estaba tensa, y me lanzaba miradas asesinas, no por el dolor del puñetazo, sino por el recuerdo de mi traición. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ Misterio. Romance. Engaño. Hay un dicho famoso que afirma que el odio es una emoción intensa, al igual que el amor. Solo puedes odiar a alguien a quien realmente valoras, porque te importa lo que piense. Justo cuando Evelyn Williams pensaba que podría traer algo de luz a su miserable vida, el destino jugó de nuevo una carta cruel, devolviéndola al punto de partida. Cinco años más tarde, se ve obligada a trabajar con el único Xavier Blake Knight, aquel que recuerda perfectamente cómo Evelyn Williams le rompió el corazón. Después de lo que le hizo, ¿sería capaz de sostener su mirada? Secretos insoportables serán revelados entre una mezcla de deseos irresistibles. Deseos que Evelyn teme solo profundizarán sus heridas, pero que de alguna manera, podrían sanar las de Xavier. ​
The Lycan King's Hybrid Mate
The Lycan King's Hybrid Mate
Denzel murmured into her ears, "I want to kiss and devour every inch of you till the entire pack hears you screaming my name." "Denzel..." Cinnia panted as pleasure shot through her body. ... Cinnia Ramilek, a remarkable werewolf-witch hybrid, has spent five years on the run until one night of wild passion with a magnetic stranger changes her life forever. Little does she know, this mysterious man is none other than Denzel Montgomery, the ruthless Lycan Prince and Alpha of the Nightfall Pack, and the intensity of their connection is undeniable. However, Cinnia's new reality is shattered when she uncovers a painful truth about Denzel. Overwhelmed by her conflicting emotions, Cinnia decides to distance herself from him, yet a detail that she can't ignore, tugs at her heart and leads her down a perilous path where burning desires and dangers intertwine.
Oprimiéndole la tráquea, la empujó contra la pared trasera y le apretó la garganta con tal fuerza que ella pensó que su final había llegado. Sus ojos se revolvieron, perdiendo casi la conciencia, cuando él inclinó su cabeza y le susurró con los dientes apretados al oído. "NO SOPORTO LA TRAICIÓN, SEÑORITA STELWART, Y HA DESPERTADO AL MONSTRUO QUE DUERME EN MÍ CON SU DESAGRADABLE COMPORTAMIENTO." Tras besarle el cuello e inhalar su fragancia, la soltó bruscamente, con un gesto de dolor marcando su rostro. Aliza tose tratando de recuperar el aliento, mirando al diablo que tiene delante, aterrorizada, y su voz tiembla al hablar. "Por favor, créame señor, soy inocente." Charles baja la mirada hacia el vaivén del pecho palpitante de ella. "NO IMPORTA LO QUE PASE, NO PUEDO DEJAR DE AMARTE Y ME ODIO A MÍ MISMO POR ESO." Lee Forzado (El amor tiene diferentes matices y uno de ellos es el dolor.)
Bet With The Billionaire
Bet With The Billionaire
Tamantha Stolly is carefree woman. Fun to be with and has a great humor. She's a wonderer and conquerer. She could be a pageant queen because of her wit and beauty, she doesn't pass it's body standards. Weston Remington, the kinkiest billionaire is prime and proper. He grew up in the wealthiest family. He's a cassanova, every girls want her and he wants them. But in one night it all change because of her and he will do anything to have her. She was insecure about her body but it's what he likes. She's a simple girl thriving to pursue her career while he is a successful billionaire who desires her. Will Tamantha Stolly give in to the billionaire's kink?
Vampire's Sexy Lies
Vampire's Sexy Lies
Adrasteia Meranza has always been fascinated to blood sucking vampires. Her fantasy is to be love by one of it. She found out that his long time schoolmate, Asmodeus Vointeroz, the majestic, serious, stout and masculine guy is one of them. It's her chance to finally lost in love and fulfill her fantasy, will the billionaire vampire, Asmodeus agree on what she wants?
Amor a Destiempo
Amor a Destiempo
Huyendo del oscuro pasado de su vida, Sofia McCommer está decidida a empezar de nuevo y demostrar su valía a su familia uniéndose a su negocio familiar que está al borde de la quiebra. Abrasado por la vida, Adrian T. Larsen, el poderoso imán empresarial, se ha convertido en un hombre con el que nadie quería cruzarse. Con sólo oscuridad llena su corazón muerto, no sabe qué es la bondad y siente un odio intenso por la palabra: amor. Y luego viene el juego. Un juego de ignorar al playboy de corazón frío que Sofía juega con sus amigos en un club de sábado por la noche. Las reglas eran simples: ignorar al multimillonario, herir su ego y salir. Pero no sabía que escapar de las garras de un tigre herido no era algo fácil de hacer. Especialmente cuando aquí estaba en juego el ego masculino del infame empresario Adrian Larsen. Unidas por el destino cuando sus caminos chocan más de lo que Sofía esperaba, cuando el poderoso multimillonario irrumpe en su vida, las chispas y el deseo comienzan a poner a prueba su resistencia. Pero ella tiene que alejarlo y mantener su corazón cerrado para mantenerlos a ambos a salvo de las peligrosas sombras de su pasado. El pasado oscuro que siempre estuvo al acecho. ¿Pero podrá hacer eso cuando el diablo ya ha puesto sus ojos en ella? Ha jugado un juego y ahora tiene que afrontar las consecuencias. Porque cuando se burlan de un depredador, se supone que debe perseguir... ​
Conquistando al Emperador R18
Conquistando al Emperador R18
[CONTENIDO PARA MADUROS] Unidos por el destino. Separados por el deber. Reunidos en la guerra. Un amor que empezó con una traición. " La mujer que logre quedar embarazada del hijo del Príncipe Heredero será inmediatamente ascendida a Emperatriz"... y la única que quiere soy yo...
En la frontera
En la frontera
“¿Tú, Alex Snow, aceptas a Jennifer Walker como tu legítima esposa?” Mi futuro futuro; En un par de segundos, mi marido me mira con ojos de bestia, dispuesto a destrozarme en cualquier momento mientras dice con fuerza "Sí, quiero". Aunque simplemente prometió tomarme como su esposa, abrazarme, amarme y apreciarme, su “sí, quiero” prometió algo completamente diferente. Fue un juramento para hacerme sufrir horriblemente en sus manos. Tan pronto como las palabras "Sí, quiero" salieron de mi boca, estuve seguro: sellé mi propio destino al casarme con Alex Snow. Y mi destino era muy claro, la muerte viene por mí… más temprano que tarde. En un pequeño pueblo llamado “Snow”, conocido en toda Alaska por su enorme negocio de contrabando ilegal en la frontera de América y Canadá, Alex Snow; el nuevo líder del clan Snow que controla y domina el territorio del contrabando, obliga a Jennifer Walker a casarse con él en contra de su voluntad. Después de que su padre es asesinado a manos del padre de Jenny, Patrick Walker, el clan Snow promete vengarse de todo el linaje Walker. Pero matar al hombre responsable envía a ambas familias a una disputa sangrienta, ya que ambos clanes prometen hacer pagar al otro. La única manera de evitar que ese baño de sangre se convirtiera en una masacre y se cobrara más vidas inocentes era una oferta de paz en forma de matrimonio por parte de ambas familias. El mundo de Jennifer se pone patas arriba cuando resulta ser ella con quien Alex Snow le pidió matrimonio específicamente para detener esa guerra. Su único pensamiento en ese momento fue "Él va a hacer de mi vida un infierno". *La ciudad Snow y todo lo que representa ilegalmente es real dentro del mundo que creé en este libro. Es tan real como lo pretendes, pero no existe en la vida real*
Modern Romance
Salvajes y épicas aventuras sexuales
Salvajes y épicas aventuras sexuales
ADVERTENCIA: Este libro contiene escenas explícitas y lenguajes para adultos 🔞 ¿Te gusta leer romances apasionantes, traviesos, sucios y obscenos? Si tu respuesta es sí, prepárate para la máxima excitación erótica que hará que tu sangre bombee y tus ovarios se contraigan. Esta novela es una colección de cuentos eróticos breves. Contiene todo tipo de contenido sexual explícito, incluido sexo entre hermanastra y hermano, padrastro, sexo en la oficina, sexo con madrastra, sexo lésbico, sexo entre profesora y estudiante, médico y paciente, esclavitud y dominación, sexo en pandilla. Etc.
En este punto no quería nada más que sentir sus manos por todo mi cuerpo. No estaba pensando con claridad, parece que mi coño palpitante estaba pensando por mí. "Déjanos tocarte Ava, déjanos mostrarte lo bien que podemos hacerte sentir princesa". Fue Ray quien habló. Su voz profunda pero erótica provoca escalofríos por mi espalda. "Diosa maldita Ava, quiero sentir tu piel". Bray dijo con voz áspera, ya quitándome el sudor de las piernas.
A la caza de su reina
A la caza de su reina
'Era joven, así que la dejé crecer. Ella era salvaje, así que la dejé vivir su vida. Ella quería construir una carrera, así que me mantuve alejado. Pero ya ha llegado el momento. Es hora de que ella sea domesticada, que aprenda las reglas, que esté donde pertenece. A mi lado. Ahora ha llegado el momento de que ella sea mía. Porque yo, Duncan De Sylvano, estoy listo para cazar a mi reina. *** Cassandra Brooks ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida pagando las deudas de su madre alcohólica, con un solo sueño de que algún día estaría lejos de su familia desordenada y se convertiría en una mujer independiente. Y después de años, ella era la mujer que siempre quiso ser. Fuerte, fogosa, salvaje y un modelo próspero. La belleza que nunca deja de llamar la atención. Proveniente de una infancia sin amor, el amor nunca estuvo en su lista de cosas por hacer. Hasta que una noche se encontró cara a cara con un misterioso italiano. El aura oscura de peligro que rodeaba al hombre rudo despertó su curiosidad. Y cuando llegó la oportunidad de entrar en la vida del intocable multimillonario, no lo pensó dos veces para aprovecharla. Su plan era simple: conseguir al galán y luego seguir adelante. Pero ella no sabía que era el imperio de Duncan De Sylvano y que nadie entraba en su territorio sin su permiso. Ella también. Ahora que su presa estaba justo donde la quería, estaba listo para cazar. Y él no pararía hasta que ella fuera domesticada y... suya. Después de todo, ha esperado durante años...
His Sparkling Sunshine
His Sparkling Sunshine
“Look me in the eye and tell me, that night meant nothing and I meant nothing to you.” Sebastian caressed her cheeks lovingly, ignoring her tears. Zara closed her eyes trying to hide her feelings and spoke harshly. “Perhaps you should try to find someone else to satisfy your lust.” She pushed him hard as he is pressing into her more but to no avail. “What’s your problem? Why are you being stubborn? Why are you denying your feelings for me?” asked Sebastian tightening his grip on her thigh. “I don’t want you and I hate what you are doing to me right now. Do you understand?” "Hate me if you can" He ripped her panties making her scream Sebastian Wild thought that making Zara Jones his wife will be his happily ever after of his life. It isn't easy to make his sunshine submit to him when she is headstrong on rejecting him countless times. Little did he know that the actual story begins after claiming his sparkling sunshine. And, he will be the reason for the pain his little baby will go through. ______ "Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?” Zara leaned her head on the window as she was feeling dizzy. “I am Poison’s right hand and all you need to know is that I'm going to kill you now.” Zara’s heart beat increased after hearing his reply and was sweating profoundly. She prayed to God to send her Bash to her as soon as possible. She never harmed anyone in her life then why is Poison after her? “Why?” “You loved someone you shouldn’t have.” Only Zara Jones knew the battles she fought to remember the promise she made to her father in exchange for her studies. The struggles she faced to forget the fateful night with her Bash. But at last when she decided to confront her fears and pave a path for her future with Sebastian Wild, everything changed. The enemy she never knew existed wants her dead. One day, she was dreaming about her life with her Bash and the next day she lost everything, literally. Her love, her family and almost her life. How can she survive after witnessing the love of her life marrying someone that is not her? How is it possible for her to be free from the clutches of Poison, The notorious underground Mafia Don. How did she even become his target? Moreover, has she lost her Bash forever? What will be the fate of Sebastian Wild and Zara Jones? Will they overcome the hurdles in their way?
Forbidden Love (Billionaire Romance)
Forbidden Love (Billionaire Romance)
Alex Martins is a billionaire who has everything he could ever want—except love. Olivia is a down-to-earth woman who is struggling to make ends meet. When the two meet by chance, sparks fly. Alex is immediately drowned with Olivia's beauty and intelligence. Olivia is initially hesitant to get involved with a billionaire, but she can't deny her growing attraction to him. As Alex and Olivia get to know each other better, they realize that they have more in common than they thought. They both have a kind heart and a love for life. They also both have a strong desire to succeed. Alex helps Olivia to achieve her dreams, and Olivia helps Alex to learn how to love and be loved. The two overcome many challenges together, and their love for each other only grows stronger.
Kylian Etienne, captain of his university's Rugby team, has himself forged a reputation as a womanizer that he fully assumes. And for good reason, it serves him above all to cover the dramatic consequences of his scabrous past from which he is desperately trying to break away. And if the key was in a pair of bluish irises as soft as determined?
