A Mafia Assassin Tale
A Mafia Assassin Tale
Jacob an enthusiastic research doctor is betrayed by his wife and his father-in-law which leads to him becoming one of the most wanted criminals. After escaping and surviving multiple assassination attempts, he meets the mafia that would soon change his life. After years of being an assassin, Jacob decides to live a normal life but with his evil father-in-law around, it is far from possible. Getting killed in an attempt to save his fiancee, he is given a mission by a system to eliminate the very family that hurt him. With a second chance at life, he is determined to rectify everything and make everything go back to how it ought to be. He would save his fiancee...
It's a dark romance/thriller. It's about a woman's life changes when she meets a mysterious man. They were both in that gallery, and the woman was drawn to him because of the book he held. This was the start of everything.. The woman was excited to meet a person who shared the same interests as her. Unfortunately, she soon realized that he wasn't who she thought he was. The story took place in the man's condo in the U.S., where she was held against her will! The woman was shocked to find herself trapped in the man's condo. With no way out, she was at her captor's mercy. As she tried to come up with a plan to escape, the man toyed with her emotions. He was cruel at times and sympathetic at other times. As the days dragged on, she became conflicted about whether he was truly a monster or if there was more to him than he was letting on. She knew she had to be on guard and find a way to survive. As the days turned into weeks, the woman struggled to come to terms with her situation. She felt helpless and afraid, but she also felt a strange connection to her captor. He was manipulative and controlling, but he seemed to understand her in a way that no one else did. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, her captor dropped a bombshell and revealed a dark secret that changed everything. After weeks of uncertainty and fear, the woman finally let down her guard and allowed herself to fall in love with her captor. As they began to open up to each other, the woman discovered that the man was not the monster she thought he was, but rather a broken and lonely soul in need of love and acceptance. He too, had changed since meeting her, and was now willing to do anything to protect and love her. In the end, they had found each other and knew that their future would be one filled with love and understanding. Though it was not always easy, the man and the woman who fell in love with her captor eventually found a way to make their relationship work. Despite the challenges they faced, they stayed committed to each other and continued to work on their relationship. The main conflict of the story is that the man is a psychopath and the girl lead is drawn to him. Despite her best efforts to resist him, she cannot help but feel a deep connection to him and falls in love with him. This creates a difficult situation for her as she tries to navigate her feelings and navigate the dangers of being involved with a psychopath. Despite the challenges they faced, the two of them were ultimately able to create a beautiful and fulfilling relationship. They learned to trust each other and were able to overcome their differences and grow closer as a couple. In the end, they had found each other and were able to find happiness together, despite the struggles they had faced along the way
"Explorer's Quest: Treasure Hunt on the Mysterious Island"
"Explorer's Quest: Treasure Hunt on the Mysterious Island"
Embark on a breathtaking adventure in "Explorer's Quest: Treasure Hunt on the Mysterious Island." Join a group of intrepid explorers as they set out to uncover the long-lost secrets of an enigmatic island. With danger lurking at every turn, they must unravel ancient mysteries, forge unexpected alliances, and overcome thrilling challenges in their quest for a fabled treasure. Get ready for a pulse-pounding expedition that will test their courage, friendship, and determination in this captivating tale of exploration and discovery.
Sweet Evil Fangs
Sweet Evil Fangs
Natasha stumbled upon a strange-looking man that was killing someone on the side of the road. She was witnessing something she couldn't imagine. The guy was half-wolf, half-human. To her fear, she runs away. But the man noticed her and smelled her scent, so he followed Natasha. But unfortunately for Natasha, the man catches her. As the man hovered over her, she noticed how beautiful his half-human form was, captivated by its eyes. She was about to touch him when suddenly a loud alarm woke her up. It was all just a dream. Natasha chose to go to school, dismissing her nightmare. Later on, Nathan Jones Davis walked in and was introduced. He soon joins the class and sits in front of Natasha. When Natasha first saw him, she felt like she saw the man before until she realized he looks like the man that turned half-wolf in her dream. She felt this weird tingling sensation that made her shiver whenever she looked at Nathan. She avoided him ever since. One day, she's changing her clothes for physical education when a bunch of cheerleaders stole her clothes, and she is forced to stay in the bathroom, naked. When she tried to go out, she saw Nathan and the cheerleader making out in the bathroom. The cheerleader grabbed her phone and was about to take pictures to humiliate Natasha when Nathan stopped helped Natasha instead. Because of sudden events, they soon go out, and Nathan takes her virginity. One day, Nathan was absent from school, and she thought he had ditched her. He soon returns to her relief, but something is odd about him. His face didn’t change, but his words and actions were different from the way it was before. One thought was formulating inside her head. That is not Nathan.
The Familiar Strangers
The Familiar Strangers
Running through the woods with logs laid everywhere and because it was getting darker by the minute, made it so hard for Laura to seek refuge. The only source of light was the full moon and even the moon didn't give clearer light because of the trees. Laura could feel she was running out of breath, but she was too scared to stop. She continues to run only for her to see a vampire coming from the front towards her direction. She turned to the right, another was coming, she turned to the left another was coming towards her, when she looked back, she saw the angry vampire she kicked in the groin coming towards her. She had no idea what to do. She knew there was no way she would escape, it's not like she could kick all of them in the groin as she did to the first. Maybe this is the end of her life, there are no two ways about it. She thought to herself as the vampires came close to her, ready to devour her when the light emanated from the moon shone on her necklace, attracting the attention of the vampires. "She is wearing the silver moon necklace, everyone run". the vampire that was hit in the groin said but before they could take off, the light from the necklace allowed the necklace to glow so much that it got the vampires and they burnt and disappeared. The moment they evaporated into thin air and her necklace were back to normal, Laura continued running not believing what just happened. As she was running, suddenly she felt a hand drag her pushing her against the tree. Laura tried to protest but the person covered her mouth. "Shh!" He whispered into her ears. "If you don't want to become their dinner, I will Advise you to stay put." the voice whispered into her ear. Laura had no choice but to succumb to his protection. Laura Hall has always lived a normal life with her family as a Florist but things changed when she had a dream or a nightmare that changed her life forever especially when that dream became a reality.
Cuando nos dijeron que el mundo cambiaría pensábamos que pasaría dentro de muchos años y no nos tocaría vivirlo, pero no fue así, nos quedábamos mirando el día pasar sin hacer nada por cambiar. Marina, Tom y Alexa lo sabían bien, ellos intentaron sobrevivir en este mundo que se estaba muriendo, pero las cosas no fueron fáciles para nadie y cuando secuestraron a Alexa su vida se complicó aún mas, apareció una enfermedad que tenía una mortalidad alta, había personas hostiles y otras con la esperanza de empezar una nueva vida
La Esclava Más Odiada Del Rey
La Esclava Más Odiada Del Rey
¡Advertencia! ¡Este libro es altamente calificado! El rey Lucien la odia más que a nada en el mundo, porque es la hija del rey que mató a su familia y lo esclavizó a él, y a su pueblo. La convirtió en su esclava. El Rey Lucien la posee y le devolverá a lo grande todo lo que su padre le hizo. Y su padre le hizo mucho. Lo convirtió en el poderoso pero dañado monstruo que es. Un Rey que lucha contra la locura cada día. Un Rey que odia, odia ser tocado. Un Rey que no ha dormido bien en los últimos quince años. Un Rey que no puede producir un heredero para su trono. Oh, la hará pagar. Pero, de nuevo, la princesa Danika no se parece en nada a su padre. Ella es diferente a él. Demasiado diferente. Y cuando el Rey Lucien se propuso hacerla pagar, estaba destinado a descubrir cuán diferente es ella de su padre. Un amor que surgió de un odio muy arraigado. ¿Estás tan interesado en este viaje como yo? Entonces, abróchense los cinturones. ¡Vamos a dar un paseo agitado!
The Alpha King's Hated Slave
The Alpha King's Hated Slave
Warning! This book is highly rated! King Lucien hates her more than anything in the world, because she is the daughter of the King who killed his family and enslaved him, and his people. He made her his slave. He owns her, and he will pay her back in spades, everything her father did to him. And her father did a lot. Scarred him into being the powerful but damaged monster King he is. A King who battles insanity every single day. A King who hates—LOATHES—to be touched. A King who hasn't slept well in the past fifteen years. A King who can't produce an heir to his throne. Oh, will he make her pay. But then again, Princess Danika is nothing like her father. She is different from him. Too different. And when he set out to make her pay, he was bound to find out just how different she is from her father. ********* A love that rose from deep-rooted hatred. Are you as interested in this ride as I am!? Then, fasten up your seatbelts. We're going on a bumpy ride!
The Dark Organization
The Dark Organization
An average woman an obsessed serial killer who wants to own her body and soul, can she make it can she survive. 3 of the best assassins in the world protects her. will their love be enough to oull her out of the darkness and back into the light??
"I never chose the life I had back then. Never asked for it But now all that I have, I have earned. Maybe not by the right means but they are mine all the same. " His rough hands caressed my tear stained cheeks with such gentleness that it could easily fool me. It almost did. I wanted to scoot away but the ropes tying my hands to the bedpost, tugged at my skin harshly. There was no escape. "But even if I get everything in the world, there will always be one thing missing." He didn't have to complete the sentence for me to know the answer. **** The darkness from her past had returned hand in hand with the taunting present. Rose was caged in the hands of the devil and he was not ready to let go anytime sooner. **** Sequel to the submission series. (Submit #2) Slow updates. Triggers and smut present. I do not own the background picture of this book's cover. Book cover made by me.
Steamy Stories
Young Military Rarities
Young Military Rarities
This is a story about two young talented boys fell in love. Two boys with handsome looks and distinctive personality, as long as they met, their story wound never end. They got to know each other at zombie-ridden troubled times. At the time that two strong person met, it felt like they had known each other for a long time. They sincerely cooperated and helped each other. Their feelings bonded together. They built a strong relationship at hard times. Eventually, with their joint efforts, all dust settled. They were looking forward to their beautiful future. ☆About the Author☆ Yan Ruoyouya, a female novelist, has signed up with a literature website. Her writing is skilled and she has already finished 13 works. She has a lot of fans. Although she's young, she has rich writing experience.