Mafia King's Adorkable Bride (Season 2)
Mafia King's Adorkable Bride (Season 2)
They were finally together and gave birth to a lovely son and daughter. She felt that it was time for her to work for her career, set up her own jewelry design company, and learn to manage employees and work with them. And of course he supported her and helped her. When everything was gradually on track, she disappeared. It was his vicious brother who came back and "invited" her to have talk. Obviously, this terrible man still has a deep resentment towards her and her husband. Will she be rescued and reunited with her lovely children? Will he be able to plan his strategy in the face of his returning scheming brother and the woman he loves so much? Will her professionalism lead her to growth and success, or more complex traps and dangers? Tip: Season 2 is more about FL and ML's children's love stories, and how FL and ML live their sweet life after marriage. Enjoy the first 30 free chaps and decide whether to continue.
Modern Romance
El Mandón De Mi Jefe
El Mandón De Mi Jefe
Laura Smith una mujer de carácter firme y directa que busca un empleo perfecto sin saber que encontrara a un jefe mandón y perfeccionista. Dyland Corner un hombre con mucho poder que busca una secretaria. Sin darse cuenta conoce a la que próximamente será su dolor de cabeza. Un jefe mandón, egocéntrico y para nada sociable. Una secretaria agradable, sincera y de buen carácter. Dos personas completamente diferentes, pero ¿Ambos podrán controlar sus celos? ¿Podrá el amor y el deseo triunfar? Te invito a conocer a Laura y Dyland un amor inesperado.
La Guardían, El inicio del camino.
La Guardían, El inicio del camino.
Ella, es una niña hermosa, con cara de Ángel y dulces ojos, muy inteligente y audaz, que a pesar de su fragilidad no tiene miedo a enfrentar nada y prefiere guardar silencio a que la vean débil. Él, es un hombre adulto, de carácter duro e inflexible, casi amargado, dedicado al servicio a su país, y al cuerpo de Marines. Ella, ha crecido para ser una jovencita hermosa, pero solitaria por ser considerada rara, por su extrema inteligencia, que soporta en silencio los insultos y las burlas de sus compañeros a pesar de haber aprendido a defenderse; y ahora más que nunca necesita su ayuda y protección. Él, ha cambiado desde que la conoció, ahora sonríe más y es más relajado, siempre pendiente de cualquier problema que tenga, listo para ayudarla y protegerla. El tiempo sigue su curso, ella crece ante su mirada atenta, más hermosa cada vez y mucho más audaz que nunca, un beso, una mirada, y una amenaza que provoca el descubrimiento de un mutuo sentimiento que ninguno de los dos se atrevía a aceptar. Es necesaria una amenaza contra su vida para que muchos secretos comiencen a descubrirse, pero más que nada para que ambos acepten sus sentimientos. Y no puede seguir negando que lo que siente desde hace casi diez años, es más grande de lo que el mismo creía, el ama con locura y desde el fondo de su corazón. Un incidente al otro lado del mundo, una misión de rescate fallida, una acción salvaje, audaz y solitaria, que logra trae de regreso a más de uno, pero solo cuatro le importan a ella, tres de ellos son su sangre, él cuarto es el dueño de su corazón. Verla nuevamente en peligro por su osada acción, cuando se creía condenado a muerte, lo perturba y lo aterra, pero aun así se siente feliz de tenerla entre sus brazos, pues ella es suya y él es de ella hasta la muerte ¿Podrán por fin ser felices juntos sin perder de vista lo que ambos son? ¿Podrán amarse por fin, a pesar de que todos critican la diferencia de edades entre ellos? Esta es la aventura de una niña muy inteligente y audaz que se enamoró de un hombre veintitrés años mayor que ella; mismo que vio en ella a la mujer que llegaría a ser con los años; y de un hombre cuya vida dedicada al servicio a su país, a quien los golpes de la vida estaban volviendo duro, frio y amargado, que tras conocerla supo que su vida cambiaría por completo y solo para mejorar.
Hottie Series #1: Ricko Gardenan
Hottie Series #1: Ricko Gardenan
[HOTTIE SERIES #1] Hillary Amelie Marquez is a beauty, smart-witted, and idolized by her sister. Behind her fit and young figure, she has kept a secret that she didn't want others to be aware of. In the four walls of her father's main mansion is where a three years old boy was hidden from harm, safe from other's judgment. Her efforts of supporting her child alone continued throughout the years, but she knew there will always be a day that her son would start to question her about the lacking presence of someone in their family, seeking for fatherly love like every child needs. Will she be willing to attach herself again towards the malicious, cold, and merciless man with an overbearing behavior who she couldn't stand a second with and finally free herself from her family's pressure? "Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think it is and the tree is the real thing." ― Abraham Lincoln "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't." ― Margaret Thatcher
Hunted By The Player
Hunted By The Player
Determined, dreamy and independent Selena travels to Barcelona to study for a month and get away from her past. Little does she know her life will never be the same after 30 days. Arrogant, wealthy football player, Hunter not only enjoys his great form in football but also enjoys all the femme fatale attention on his night time prowls.Little does he know that in a second, his life will change just by spilling a drink on a feisty motormouth girl who will test his patience. Will Hunter be hunted or will he conquer his prey? Together Selena and Hunter will have to find out how to deal with fame, gossip, jealousy, and distance to make this relationship work. How many chances will life give them to do so?
Steamy Stories
Abandonada y Embarazada [#1 Trilogía Bebés]
Abandonada y Embarazada [#1 Trilogía Bebés]
La vida de Bella Graze da un giro drástico y radical para sorprenderla con una nueva personita que crece en su vientre. El supuesto mejor día de su existencia marcará el inicio de una ruta inesperada. Un camino pedregoso y lleno de espinas fijará en su horizonte una sola meta: salir adelante. Bella no solo deberá tomar las riendas de su vida, también deberá estar preparada porque una mala decisión puede marcarla para siempre. En medio de secretos, verdades y grandes enemigos, luchará por superar cada obstáculo, y, por encontrar su verdadero lugar en el mundo. ¿Podrá mostrarle al destino que la fuerza de una mujer aguerrida vale más que mil desafíos? ¿Qué tan grande es el poder del amor? ¿Podrá contra el viento que la acecha o se dejará arrastrar por la fuerte corriente? Una historia dramática, con toques de comedia, pero sobretodo, dulce y romántica. Una historia que el destino puede escribir en la vida de cualquiera.
Alpha's Nala
Alpha's Nala
“Love is not a force between a mind and a body, but a force between two hearts...” But what happens when there are three hearts involved? One that beats for a soul, One that beats for a body, And One, that purely beats for love? ..........…………………….…………….…………….……………. Legaxy Dyme was just your average human girl. Working non-stop in a hotel by day and by night, you hear her sing in every bar on the island called Mallow Key. Did I also mention that despite on the average side of life, Legaxy was basically raised by the mixed-race of Vampires and Witches? Anyways, having her memories bottled up somewhere by a spell, Legaxy found herself torn between being a MATE to an Alpha King, Michael Angelo Cane, and being a chosen RED to the Vampire King, Theo Calix Gray. Who will she choose? But the real question is, will she choose?
Anhelo de amor
Anhelo de amor
Cuando en la vida sólo has tenido desamor y traición, cuando todos tus sueños fueron destruidos sin piedad, cuando tu fe en el amor fue roto como un simple papel, sólo te queda fingir que no te importa y seguir adelante, aunque en el fondo… sí te importa. Así es Amelia, el amor es para ella sólo un bicho infeccioso que puede causar mucho mal, y, sin embargo, a veces mira al cielo preguntándose si acaso se acordarán de ella algún día, aunque sea para darle a entender, con una bofetada, que se equivoca. El destino elige muy bien a quién le da una segunda oportunidad, y aunque Amelia no lo cree así, ha sido elegida para volver en sus pasos y corregir lo que considera su más terrible error: creerle a la persona equivocada. ¿Lo hará bien esta vez? ¿O acaso los miedos están demasiado arraigados en su alma y es incapaz de enfrentarlos a pesar de esta increíble oportunidad?
Alexander viaja a Ecuador de vacaciones, por un percance feliz conoce a su futura esposa Martha, la ama con tal intensidad que su amor seria tan fuerte y si ella le faltara su odio seria igual de devastador y por culpa de terceros Él se equivoca y la repudia causandole tal dolor a ella que desaparece y después se arrepentiría de sus acciones Alexander El Rey De Transylvania, una novela llena de amor, desconfianza, arrepentimiento, dolor y muertes TE PERDÍ POR EQUIVOCACIÓN "Cuando se ama, no se duda"
Master Brian's maid
Master Brian's maid
A week has passed, Jane has gradually adjusted to life in the Lawrence mansion. Jane is used to Brian's irritation and scolding, she will not think much and be sad about it, Jane'll spend her time making things out of shells, which Jane enjoys most in her spare time. But Brian did not let her go, he forced her to stay with him. Brian looked at Jane with a ghostly smile and said: “Take off your panties and come closer.” Jane shyly took off her panties, she slowly approached Brian's side. He saw this and ordered further: “Sit on my lap.” Jane walked over to Brian and sat on his lap. Brian looked at Jane inquiringly, he continued: “Take off your shirt.” Jane slowly unbuttoned each button on her body. Brian looked at Jane without taking his eyes off her, he pressed his face to Jane's, reached out his tongue and lightly licked her cheek. He moved his tongue skillfully and gently down Jane's small lips. Then Brian touched her most private place, he used his hand to gently massage it, causing Jane to moan softly, slowly in and out. Brian whispered in Jane's ear: "Do you like it?" Jane shook her head: "Please stop.". Brian heard Jane say that and immediately laughed out loud, he stopped for a moment and then bit her shoulder hard, causing Jane to scream in pain: “Ah…Please, stop, I was wrong.”
"Five years and that's all you have to say to me?" he asked. Standing so close she could taste his breath. She wanted to move away from him. But she didn't want him to know just how much he affected her. So she stood right there. She wasn't going to let him intimidate her. "Well... Is there anything else you want me to say?" she asked The side of his mouth moved upwards. He was smiling? Why the hell was he smiling like that? She thought. She didn't remember saying anything funny. "You left... Kitty" he said. "I asked you to stay... Begged you to stay... And you left anyways.. With him. And now you come back... Acting like everything is okay between us...?" There was something about him... She thought. Something about the way he called her 'Kitty' that made her heart flip. He was the only one who called her that. She hadn't even realized how much she missed him calling her that. "You shouldn't have gone with him". He said. "Oh really? Why not? Because you didn't want me to?" she asked. She was starting to get angry. "Yeah that's right" he replied. "And because of what you felt for me -what we felt for each other. When I came near you, you felt an excitement so intense that you ceased to breathe --like you are feeling right now. You wanted me just as much as I wanted you. And that should have been enough to make you stay" --------------- Katherine has had a crush on Jensen Packard since they were teenagers... But he never notices her as he sees her as his best friends Sister. But what happens when she returns five years later... And Jensen knows he can't let her go for the second time.
Gabriella Wong Tan has been living under the shadow of her family, so she ran home to pursue her own dreams. Then, she met Lauyton Diem Elarde. Amidst the darkness surrounding Gab, Lauyton found a way to shine a light. But what happens when the light becomes weak? Will it everglow again?
Young Adult
Trust A Rejected
Trust A Rejected
After being rejected then leaving the only place you've ever known was tough, what made it even harder was finding out you were carrying another life inside of you. Two life's in fact.Callie had been gone for over six years, and in those six years she gave birth to two miracles. Now she'll have to return home, and face the father of her children. Adrian was always the jokester of the group, you would never see him without a smile, but after six torturous years that smile was non-existent. He had lost all trust in the people around him but maybe he'll Trust a Rejected?
The Hot Master
The Hot Master
The Hot Series (Book2) I'm her Hottie Master, her hottie Boyfriend and her hottie Professor, she's my Princess and she will always remain Princess. *** She raised her eyelashes and apologised. "I'm sorry," I snapped at her, cutting her words. "I don't want your sorry. You've hurt me and now you deserve punishment. So that you won't repeat the same mistake next time." I moved closer to her and said, gazing in her dangerously. "I don't want you to put your life in danger again because I can't afford to lose you, Princess." After completing my words, I pushed her away. "I want you in my playroom ready for me in five minutes," I ordered and stormed out of the room after slamming the door in fury. Whenever It comes to my Princess, I lose my temper. I can't let her put her life in danger again because I can't lose her. She's my whole world.
Steamy Stories
Winged Melody
Winged Melody
In Sapphire Cove, tragedy strikes Daphne. Is that person the only one who sees it? Daphne despises her sister's closest friend, a popular, gorgeous, and irritably arrogant young man.
The Return By Amb3rmart1ns
The Return By Amb3rmart1ns
Theo James Black always knew he was different compared to his Uncle Steven. Finally after a year of searching for his true family he finds them, but he's not so innocent as he lets on.He's hiding something from his family, something they will soon learn that turns everything around. Will Izzy be able to figure it out in time to save herself, Theo and his family or is it to late? This will be The Return.
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
When your best friend is also your boss, ‘great ideas’ aren’t always optional. After all, when you run the largest fashion, gossip and trend blog in the country, you got to take risks to keep it edgy. Believe me. This is edgy. The idea? For one week, date every male fantasy. The list? The Jock The Rock star The Billionaire The Stepbrother See how they are all crossed off except one? That’s because he’s Satan. And Scottish. And my best friend’s stepbrother. And there may or may not have been an incident in Jr. high that he hasn’t forgiven me for…but that’s history. Or so I hope, because I’m at his mercy for the next week…
Sweet Love and The Crimes
Sweet Love and The Crimes
Duke Rexon, son of a billionaire, was one of the most popular Kids in the Lisbon estate until the shocking death of one of his teachers in Moleaf High College—Edison Tandana. Soon police investigation began... This tragedy followed several others until the unwelcomed appearance of Duke’s grandmother, Pamela Xobed. The evil genius who turned Duke into a brainless child, and got him prepared for the unbelievable. As Duke’s education suffers, he soon became the instrument of terrible undying vengeance. His sixth target for his vegetable experiment was the family of Bruno Strullid—the same family he got a crush on a thirteen-year-old girl, Sandra Strullid. “...kill them all.” The mystery voice came again. And Duke Rexon knew he must not stop until everybody dies... Everybody in Lisbon must feel the wrath of his pistol... NOW OR NEVER— Is the purple Old Witch behind his vengeance? Or— Duke's crush on Sandra Strullid gradually metamorphoses into a life of love and passion that spiraled far beyond the realm of humans. Duke is in a coma and he is dying! Sandra Strullid is determined to bring the love of her life back but has to visit the realm of the immortals amid other obstacles— Did she die or survive to rescue the love of her life? It is worth finding out how it all went wild!
The Married CEO and I
The Married CEO and I
Abandoned by her wicked stepmother and thrown out into the cold dark night with her newborn baby, Mara is hopeless and faces certain death... until a good Samaritan comes to rescue her. Leo is the handsome young billionaire that becomes Mara's savior. Against the wishes of his wife, he provides Mara and her baby everything they need. Eventually, fate brings Mara and Leo even closer together. As each day passes by, they find it harder and harder to deny the feelings they have for each other. But where will it all lead to? Can a married CEO fall in love with a young single mother?
The Wolf Who Saved Me
The Wolf Who Saved Me
Warning: Mature Content not suitable for all ages. Excerpt: “You are beautiful when you smile. You should smile more often,” Reule said. It made me blush, and I got embarrassed. It had never happened to me. I have hated men on my previous pack because of the way they treat me. But Reule is changing something inside me. “What will you do now? For sure, Conri won’t stop looking for me.” “Let him look for you. Let’s see if he can take you away from me.” “What do you mean? Will you be protecting me for all your life?” “If you would allow me to do that, I will.” “But why would you do such a trouble?” “I am a straightforward and honest man. So, I think I like you. I wanted you to be my mate. But I will not force you if you don’t like it. I will only ask for you to repay me for saving you and protecting you.” My eyes widened. I started to feel uneasy. I feel like the man in front of me will change and begin to show his true colors. “How can I repay you?” I mumbled. Reule smile looks like he was a demon about to collect his payment. At that moment, I began to question which was worse, him or Conri. “I cannot help it. I am a man with needs like Conri. So, I would like to have a night with you, just to taste you.” I wanted to scream and run. What have I gone into? ************************************ Wren Blevine has been considered different among the she-wolves on her pack, the White Pack. She can only partly shift, and she doesn't experience heat. Except for her family, nobody really likes her. When the Alpha died and was replaced by the son, Conri Lebon, he ordered to have Wren executed together with her family if she refused his conditions. After her family had been killed, Wren had been running and hiding. One day, she was almost caught. But luckily, she was saved by Reule Conrad, the Alpha of the Gray Pack. Just when she thought that he was a good samaritan, Reule asked to be paid by her body. Now, she is in a dilemma whether to agree with him or be surrendered to her pack to die.
