Unveiled Desires-Martena
Unveiled Desires-Martena
"You will fall in love with me," he started. "You're the only one I want." "I can't fall in love again, Adrian..." she said. He took her two arms and raised them up, pinning her against a wall. He rubbed his nose against hers, making their breaths mingle. He really cannot get enough of her. He kissed her deeply until she gasped for air. "You can't tell me you feel nothing for me," he said roughly against her mouth. He held her two hands with one of his and ripped her blouse open with his other hand. "I know how you feel every time I touch you," "Adrian...." "The way you call my name tells me you love me." "Adrian.....please....." "You practically melt under my touch." "Ahhhh Adrian....." She made to kiss him, but he avoided her kiss. "You're mine to have...I love you, Sharon," he said, voice beginning to break. "Oh Adrian," she said and began to cry. "I can't get you out of my mind, I need you by my side always." "Please Adrian...." she cried. "I know you, Sharon," he said. "I know what to get from every feeling. I know what to hear from every touch. I know your every need, every desire, when to touch, how to touch." He released her and she could barely stand. "Your body is like my instrument. I know every cord, every key. I know how to play you." he said very slowly. "I don't want just your body, I want more." A handsome billionaire can get any woman he wants, but Adrian is deeper than that. He goes after a single mum who shielded her heart with iron gates. Sharon's ex-husband comes into the picture and wants her back. An engaging love triangle ensues. And then, there's Jeanne, Adrian's first love. She is desperate to have his love and would do anything to get him back.
Azura Star, the heir of the Star Finance Corp. Kinda sassy and strong, but kind. No true friends and everyone was jealous of her when she was little. She’s rich, smart, pretty, and creative. Everyone wanted to be friends with her only for her parents’ money. When they were not getting it, everyone started to bully her. With a strong desire to have true friends and a soulmate, will she achieve her dreams? One day, she found out that her personal assistant had a double job. As she found out, she wanted to be just like her personal assistant. In order to do that, she had to take some hard tests first. Since the job was not an ordinary job, it was so risky. Azura experienced that. She was kidnapped while doing her job. That's not the only thing that's surprising, suddenly Azura’s parents arrange her marriage with some stranger. Her parents said that it’s for the sake of the company. The worst part was that it happened when Azura already loved someone else. Of course, she was angry with her parents but Will she follow her personal assistant path? What is Azura's personal assistant second job? Who is she going to marry? Let’s follow Azura’s journey!
Purple Love
Purple Love
My traditional marriage ceremony was halted and cancelled, because the wine I was asked to present to my husband mistakenly fell of my hand. Since that very day, I haven't set my eyes on my man, he blocked my lines, on all social media platform and relocated from the city he resided. Emaka and I have been lover, we couldn't do without each other. Emaka and I had been lover since Secondary School, he was in grade 12 then while I was in grade 10, he was the man that disvirgined me, and he has been the only man I had slept with. After I graduate from the university, Emaka had by then graduated and secured a job in his father company.
The Billionaire Mafia's Wife
The Billionaire Mafia's Wife
He is relentless and a beast while she is a princess and a runaway bride. Devon is running away from her own family who wanted to marry her to an old rich man when she met Daemon, the cold but cunning mafia who heads the rival mafia group down south. She begged him to take her in to which he agreed to her surprise. He proposed marriage to her in exchange for one condition, that she bears him a son to carry his name. Without hesitation, she said yes because she planned on running away too on the day of their wedding but the mafia, her mafia, wouldn't let her go easily.
From the beginning, Samuel Aarick (CEO of Flown Enterprise) had his eyes on Beatrice. Besides the debt her father owed, Samuel felt that Beatrice deserved to be one of his kept women at the headquarters. In addition to being an influential CEO in the Southern Region, Samuel is also the leader of the Twin Dragons clan. The Twin Dragons are known to be ruthless and merciless. Their power extends to various illicit businesses, including arms and drug trafficking. For Samuel, it was easy to obtain Beatrice. He forgot that love can come knocking on his heart at any time. This includes when Beatrice is in danger due to Samuel thoroughly investigating the issue of his subordinate being shot for no apparent reason. Beatrice is kidnapped, which further fuels Samuel's anger. He makes an effort to free her and starts to question himself. Is this just love or something more?
Chantajeando a su novia fugitiva
Chantajeando a su novia fugitiva
Seis años después de que lo dejara plantado en el altar, Charles Anthony Oxford finalmente se reencontró con Isabella Shade. Y mucho había cambiado en ese tiempo: Isabella ya estaba casada, mientras que Charles, cuyo patrimonio había escalado de millonario a multimillonario, estaba en busca de una esposa por motivos particulares. Al descubrir que la empresa de su ex prometida estaba al borde del colapso financiero debido, entre otros factores, a la ludopatía de su inútil esposo, Charles divisó una oportunidad. O mejor dicho, dos. ​ No solo tendría la chance de hallar una esposa, sino también de cobrar venganza a su manera de la mujer que lo había dejado con el corazón hecho añicos. Solo tenía que hacerle recordar el imperdonable acto que cometió, atormentarla con un coqueteo insinuante de vez en cuando, recordarle su actual situación y ella solo necesitaría aceptar sus condiciones para convertirse en su esposa... Pero tratándose de una mujer como Isabella, nada sería tan sencillo…
La gran obsesión del millonario
La gran obsesión del millonario
Brianna se acercó a él con obediencia. Al notar su rigidez y vacilación al moverse, Scott se mostró contrariado. "¿Qué pasa? ¿Acaso eres un robot? ¿No sabes a qué te dedicas?" "Sí, a complacerte", contestó Brianna con torpeza, "Pero... es que apenas nos conocemos y... tampoco hay sentimientos entre nosotros..." "¿De qué hablas? No eres más que una cosa mía." Scott replicó con frialdad mientras deslizaba su dedo desde los labios de ella, bajando por su cuello hasta llegar a la clavícula. Brianna sintió cómo el dedo de él continuaba descendiendo hasta posarse en su seno derecho. Ella se mordió el labio y dijo, "Señor Anderson, para usted soy solo una chica más, comparada con las que ha conocido. No creo ser lo suficientemente buena para complacerlo." "Si eres suficientemente buena o no, eso lo decido yo. Además, ¿para qué buscaría a otras si ya tengo una aquí por la que he pagado?" Scott expresó con una voz helada.
Atracción innegable
Atracción innegable
Kelvin Adrios es un multimillonario famoso por su actitud arrogante y descortés. Para él, lo único que realmente cuenta es su trabajo y su familia. Se limita a encuentros de una sola noche y es el prototipo del playboy. No tiene interés en ninguna otra mujer, excepto ella; su odio hacia ella lo ha convertido en alguien más frío que el hielo. Ella fue la mujer que lo destrozó y lo dejó sin corazón. Shayan West es una joven que lucha por abrirse camino en la gran ciudad. Tiene un pasado que prefiere mantener en secreto; un pasado en el que estuvo involucrada con un hombre que arruinó su vida. ¿Qué sucederá cuando sus caminos se crucen de nuevo? Ahora él es el jefe y ella, la irresistible asistente personal. ¿Podrán dejar atrás sus pasados y el rencor mutuo? Y él, ¿descubrirá el secreto que ella guarda celosamente?
When I accidentally fall for you
When I accidentally fall for you
She came like a thief during the night, with no warning and not much of an expectation, but she didn't come to steal, although she took more than he was willing to give. - He was the Criminal, the one to fear, never before has anyone gotten away with stealing from him. Will she? Will she even want to? -
En este punto no quería nada más que sentir sus manos por todo mi cuerpo. No estaba pensando con claridad, parece que mi coño palpitante estaba pensando por mí. "Déjanos tocarte Ava, déjanos mostrarte lo bien que podemos hacerte sentir princesa". Fue Ray quien habló. Su voz profunda pero erótica provoca escalofríos por mi espalda. "Diosa maldita Ava, quiero sentir tu piel". Bray dijo con voz áspera, ya quitándome el sudor de las piernas.
Don't Hide...My Vanilla
Don't Hide...My Vanilla
“The more you try to push me, the more you attract me towards you. Listen carefully. You belong to me Vanilla and I will do anything to make you MINE forever.” “I’m....I’m not yours” stuttered Val disturbed by their posture. “Yes. You are. My Vanilla.” said Jack smirking. Jack Kelley is a well-known idol of international pop band, WESFA (Water Earth Sky Fire Air – Five sacred elements of the Universe). He started his career at the age of fourteen and became one of the famous youngest idols of the pop world. At the age of twenty-three he is the youngest billionaire in the world. He bagged many awards, achievements, and hearts of millions of young girls. He’s life is what called a ‘perfect-life’ yet he is not fulfilled. The twenty-six year old Jack still feels he needs someone who understands his soul that neither his family nor his bandmates could do. He craves to meet his other half, a person who he calls himself as vanilla. Valerie Norris is an independent and hard-working young woman. She works as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in an influential cloth designing company, Wood Design and Management. A company that belongs to her friend, Tyler Wood that she and Ty managed since they are eighteen. She is very professional, and nothing is more important than her family, friends, and work. Suddenly everything is changed when she was assigned to be the project manager for a collab between them and ABC luxury brand with the world-famous pop band, WESFA. How will she react when he managed to evoke some foreign feelings in her? Will she be brave enough to come out of her own darkness? Can she accept his love along with a bonus called hate from his fans? Will she be ready to be his vanilla? To know the amazing love adventure of JK and VN, dig into the complete story.
Steamy Stories
TRAPPED Nala price got rejected by her mate who was also her boyfriend, Jordan price. She was lucky to have a second chance mate Don Richardo a ruthless hot and rich lycan well know for his anger. Will Nala be able to open her heart to Don? And will Don be able to open his heart after the death of his first mate. They are each other's second chance at love!!
the soul mate of an alpha
the soul mate of an alpha
Loneliness is the exact definition of my life and those for already 9 years. 9 years that I am alone without love and without friends, because I am in an orphanage. Not because I was abandoned or abused or for any other reason, but because my parents died... And obviously no one in 9 years has wanted to adopt me. For me my life, in my eyes, was all traced, when I was going to leave this prison I would have found a job, I would have lived alone and I would have died alone. Alone, as I have always been. But I certainly didn't expect a huge white wolf to come into my life, kidnap me, then turn into a man to tell me that I was his, that I belonged to him, and that he was right on me!!! What is this man going to do with me?!
Revenge For Jerk Boyfriend
Revenge For Jerk Boyfriend
She became pregnant at the peak of her career, but it was not the responsibility and happiness that greeted the fetus she was carrying, but the rejection of the man who took her chastity. Alenta chose to complain about this to boyfriend's father named Richard Herenson, the most influential and respected person in his country. At first, Richard was kind, but it turned out that he had rottenness. Poor Alenta was tricked and forced to have an abortion and then thrown into the sea. Fate is still on Alenta's side, she was found by someone. His life was saved, but the revenge in his heart was burning. With strong determination, Alenta transforms herself into a girl named Kimmy Ara.
Resisting Him, Chasing Her (BWBM)
Resisting Him, Chasing Her (BWBM)
It has been more than three years since she laid eyes on him, after that she resolved never to fall in love again. She would work her way up and build up her way up to show she needed no man. In family or in buisness. That was the plan until some goddamned unknown forces in the universe decided to bring him back into her life. Rita was a young woman with a good sense of who she was and prided herself on her decision making skills but here’s the thing, to make good decisions you have got to have made bad ones sometime in the past. Well he was hers. Samuel was not the type of man to leave his plans high and dry. When he sets his mind on something he gets it done no matter the cost. Turns out that also applies to humans that intrigue him and none more so than Rita. Riya wants nothing to do with werewolves of his caliber, once will always be enough. If she could wash her hands clean of the supernatural world she would. That’s kinda hard to do when they are just as out and about as the rest of the not so super natural world. She just wants to get over the last hurdle in to achieve her goal. He isn’t letting that happen until he achieves his goal. Put in a great helping of will to succeed, a dash of rivalry and paranormal normal, a pound of unresolved issues, a healthy sprinkling of revenge and hatred, a spoon of animal attraction and just a tiny–who am I kidding?– a really generous helping of scandalous advances. All in a bowl of strength of resolve. Mix well and put in a luxuriously lavish office. We will see what happens in a year or so. *Wink*
La obsesión del matón
La obsesión del matón
Advertencia: este es un romance maduro oscuro, destinado solo para mayores de 18 años. "Eres mía Gracie... tus miedos, lágrimas.... Voy a destrozarte por completo hasta que no sepas nada más que mi nombre. " "Yo.. no soy tuya. " Tartamudeé. Su mirada se volvió notablemente más oscura ante mis palabras. "Qué has dicho?" Dijo dando un paso amenazante. Abrí la boca pero no salió ninguna palabra, lo siguiente que hice fue aplastarme entre él y la pared. Mi cuerpo se estremeció ante su mirada dominante. "Me perteneces.... Tu cuerpo... Tu alma... Disfrutaré marcándote una vez.... y otra vez" susurró, sus dientes rozando suavemente mi cuello. ¿Cómo llegué a esta situación, no había salida? Ya me rompió... Me quitó la virginidad... ¿Qué más quiere de mí? Graciela Evans era solo una nerd promedio que luchaba en la escuela secundaria, su único deseo era tener una buena vida, lo que sucede cuando se convierte en el objetivo del infame chico malo de su escuela... Hayden Mandrew. Ella tiene una deuda con él, y él iba a obligarla a pagarla. Ni un centavo menos.
El heredero rechazado del Alfa
El heredero rechazado del Alfa
Rosalyn Parker ha sido abusada verbalmente por su madre durante años y su padre la ha ignorado. Su hermano fue la única persona que la trató con amabilidad. Pero, en la noche de su cumpleaños número 18, cuando fue rechazada por su compañero ke'shaun Black, que pronto sería el alfa de la manada de la luna aulladora, después de que él se apareara con ella. Ese fue el último empujón que necesitaba para irse, pero pronto descubriría que estaba embarazada del heredero del alfa... 17 años después de dejar atrás a su manada y su familia, Rosalyn ha hecho una vida para ella y su hijo en Italia después de unirse al pacchetto della luna del sangue (manada de luna de sangre). Se había mantenido en contacto con su hermano ya que él era la única persona a la que consideraba familia... Ahora se enfrenta al horror de volver al lugar que la rompió después de haber sido invitada a la boda de su hermano. Lea para averiguar qué sucede cuando el alfa se encuentra con su heredero rechazado.
True Luna
True Luna
“I, Logan Carter, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack.“ I could feel my heart breaking. Leon was howling inside me, and I could feel his pain. “I, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack, accept your rejection.“ When Emma turns 18, she is surprised that her mate is the Alpha of her pack. But her elation was short-lived when he rejected her for a stronger she-wolf. That she-wolf hates Emma and wants to get rid of her. Emma’s problems don’t end there. She realizes that she possesses unusual powers, making her an exceptional wolf. As a result, she becomes a target for dangerous people who are determined to exploit her abilities. Emma is faced with the difficult decision of how to handle these challenges. Will her mate have second thoughts about rejecting her? Will he be able to protect her from the people who threaten her?
Her Unpleasant Return
Her Unpleasant Return
Bullied-such a simple word, yet that was the total definition of my life. I kept quiet and endured. Because in my heart, I held on to that one small hope that my mate will rescue me. However, that hope gets crushed when my mate, the Alpha of my pack rejects me before the entire school. Well, the joke is on them when I stood before them as a beautiful weapon with the toughest pack supporting me. It wouldn’t have been possible without my new Alpha’s support. But am I ready to open my heart for him?
Un Balazo al Corazón
Un Balazo al Corazón
Enamorarse del mafioso más buscado del país puede ser el peor error que se pueda cometer, porque el peligro siempre te va a asechar y sabes que no estarás segura en ningún lugar donde te encuentras, así sea debajo de las rocas. Camila cometió ese error, se enamoró perdidamente de él y no le importaban las consecuencias que esto traía consigo. Pero la vida no es tan sencilla, su padre en total desacuerdo con aquella relación se aprovechó de la inocencia de su hija y junto a amenazas absurdas la obligó a terminar con él. Un amor que ha ardido en llamas no es tan sencillo de apagar y aunque se apague quedan las cenizas del gran amor que algún día hubo. ¿Podrá Camila superar al gran amor de su vida? Y si este reaparece en su vida, ¿causará alguna sensación en ella? Adéntrate a esta historia y descubre que tanto puede arder el fuego alimentado por el deseo y la pasión.
