Sold to my ruthless mate
Sold to my ruthless mate
Elena wanted to cry her heart out to whoever would listen, but her heart was dry. She couldn't even find it in her to do anything other than smile, nod politely and recieve the insults and abuse dished out to her. Afterall, she believed that there was nothing she could do. She was above the age of mating and she was still unmated. Each blood moon came and went and the moon goddess in some sort of joke or irony refused to grant her a mate. It wasn't just her lack of a mate, she also couldn't wolf out. No matter how much she tried, it just didn't work. What came to every werewolf so easily ran away from her. Elena felt tired and defeated. Even if she wanted to fight her uncle how would she do it? Physically she was almost the weakest in the pack. Malnutrition had told on her leaving her with extremely pale skin and a skinny body. Sometimes to herself she wondered how she was still alive.
¡La compañera del alfa que gritó el lobo!
¡La compañera del alfa que gritó el lobo!
Astrid vive sola con su papá, ¡no tiene idea de que es un hombre lobo o de que existen! Resulta que el hombre que ayudó a criar a Astrid no es su padre en absoluto, él le dice que su madre quería que ella tuviera una vida "normal" hasta el día en que cumpliera dieciocho años, cuando no tendría más remedio que decirle a Astrid la verdad. sobre su verdadera identidad. Después de una tragedia que mató a su madre, su padre se volvió abusivo hacia ella culpándola a lo largo de los años por la muerte de su madre. Astrid permaneció completamente inconsciente de su herencia, hasta que un hombre llamado Ryker entra en su vida afirmando que son compañeros.