Forbidden Heat 18+
Forbidden Heat 18+
"I'll fuck you so hard that you'll forget all about him" Story about Natalia and her love affair with four men in her life including her stepfather, step uncle, bodyguard and step cousin. In the end, who will she choose? Natalia has been desiring her stepfather for the longest time after her mother passed away. Suddenly, her stepfather becomes engaged to another woman while his younger brother found out about Natalia's secret... Trying to keep her affair with her step cousin a secret from her passionate bodyguard... Four men and and their four definition of Love: "I no longer want to be forgotten. I'll give you so much pleasure that you'll forget all about my brother." - Edward "We've always been together so I never told you this...I love you" - Zak "I'll do whatever it takes to make you mine. Please wait just a little longer" - Lucien "I'll always protect you...even from your own self" - Reiner **This story does NOT contain incest. All male love interests are NOT blood-related to the female protagonist**
Steamy Stories
Ira is a successful business tycoon. She is a 23 years old beautiful, smart and attractive girl with a humble and polite nature who is kind to her employees. Everyone can easily connect with her, because of her positive aura and charming personality. A very caring person for everyone. But she is finding someone special; the soul of her. The person who will be her life, who will be the place where she will be an open book. Though she knows that her feelings are forbidden to her society but still she is in the hope to get that person who will heal her wounds. The pain she got from the world will fade away when that person comes into her life. Her soul. Whereas Aayana is a 25 years old ambitious and talented girl with a sweet and caring nature. She loves from the core of her heart. Who wants to shine at her career and she has a secret crush on Ira. She finds her soul in Ira. But she can't reach her because of status. And she also knows that her family won't accept her reality. Still she is in the hope that one day she will get her love. The love of her life. About whom she dreams every night and aspires every moment. The divine feelings she feels for Ira which gives her the feel of a peach mountain. She is afraid that she will be able to get into touch with the love of her life. Her love. Her Soul. So, let's see how these girls go through the ups and downs of their life. How will the circumstances lead to their future ? What will be the destiny of their set by the universe? And will their souls be able to be together ? Or something else is waiting for them..........
Guilty Pleasures; The Dirtier......The Sweeter
Guilty Pleasures; The Dirtier......The Sweeter
Do you get off reading adult erotica short stories? Do you love it when your partner is at your whim and mercy, commanding and pleading to be pleasured? Are you a woman who loves to pleasure herself after a long day at work? or you are that type that loves to curl up on a chair, having wild thoughts about adults and pleasuring yourself ………If yes, then get a load of the hot, steamy collections of short stories here. As a man, you’ll certainly find yourself having a hard on in due time and as a woman, you are definitely gonna wet yourself! WARNING - TREAD CAREFULLY. LOTS OF HEAT. HIGHLY CONGESTED WITH EXPLICIT CONTENT. RAW SEXUAL CONTENT. REALISTIC, MATURE, SEX SCENES. 18+ RATED. STRICTLY NOT FOR MINORS.
Steamy Stories
L'Automne Du Coeur
L'Automne Du Coeur
Selama 19 tahun hidupnya Mira tumbuh tanpa sosok seorang Ayah. Dia sudah menerima hal itu dengan lapang dada, hingga dua Minggu setelah kematian Mamanya, seseorang datang ke rumah kontrakan kecil yang ditinggalinya bersama Oma, berkata bahwa mereka adalah utusan Ayah Mira. Mira sudah lama tahu bahwa ketiadaan Ayahnya selama tumbuh kembangnya adalah hal yang tabu untuk dibahas. Dan akhirnya dia memperoleh kesempatan untuk bertemu Ayah kandungnya, setelah Ibunya berpulang dan Neneknya membuangnya. Terdampar di negeri asing, dengan orang asing dan dendam membara di dadanya, Mira memulai kisahnya di Belgia.
Nice To Meet You Again
Nice To Meet You Again
Sonya is a simple brilliant who wants nothing more than to find out the truth about her mother's death and her father leaving them, she stays with her cousin, Simon who helps her a lot. Going to country X to celebrate her birthday made her come in contact with Maxwell, a very rich billionaire who just appointed as the company new CEO. The two meet due to a funny circumstances and Sonya end up saving his life and left to her country for Maxwell, it was love at first sight so after four years when she came back for her master's programs, Maxwell swears not to let her go.
Madu Untuk Istriku
Madu Untuk Istriku
"Ijinkan aku menikah lagi, Ren?" Dengan berkaca-kaca, Dani memamdang Reni. "Apa kamu yakin sanggup, Mas? Membimbing satu istri saja kamu nggak bisa, apalagi dua?" Tidak! Reni tidak mau dimadu. Tanpa sadar Reni mengelus perutnya. Berharap anak dalam kandungannya tidak mendengar keinginan gila ayahnya. "InsyaAllah sanggup, Yank." Reni tersenyum kecut. Sholat aja tidak pernah sanggup dari mana? "Kamu gila, Mas!" Jengah dengan kegilaan Dani, Reni segera beranjak dari duduknya dan berlalu dari hadapan Dani. "Ren! Ren!" Dani segera menyusul Reni yang berjalan ke arah kamar. "Ren!" Dani menarik tangan Reni, namun segera ditepis oleh wanita itu. "Lepaskan, Mas!" Hatinya hancur, benar-benar hancur. Dia pikir suaminya telah kembali seperti dulu, namun ternyata dia salah. Malah sebuah permintaan gila yang dimintanya pada Reni. Tak menyerah, Dani terus mengekor Reni hingga ke kamar. Seketika Reni muak hanya dengan melihat wajah Dani. "Ren, dengarkan Mas dulu ...." Kali ini Dani telah berlutut di hadapan Reni. Wanita itu duduk di tepi ranjang dengan mata yang mulai sembab. "Mau ngomong apalagi, Mas?" Tangis tak lagi dapat ditahannya. Buliran bening itu akhirnya luruh juga. Ternyata dia tak sekuat yang dibayangkannya.
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
When your best friend is also your boss, ‘great ideas’ aren’t always optional. After all, when you run the largest fashion, gossip and trend blog in the country, you got to take risks to keep it edgy. Believe me. This is edgy. The idea? For one week, date every male fantasy. The list? The Jock The Rock star The Billionaire The Stepbrother See how they are all crossed off except one? That’s because he’s Satan. And Scottish. And my best friend’s stepbrother. And there may or may not have been an incident in Jr. high that he hasn’t forgiven me for…but that’s history. Or so I hope, because I’m at his mercy for the next week…
Yours, Never Again
Yours, Never Again
Eloise has decided to stay away from relationships till she secures a good-paying job after college. All goes to hell when she meets Victor, a student at her school who she's never met until a party. He's an introvert and everything she wants in a man. Will she hold her ground on not wanting a relationship OR Will victor graduate college with a broken heart from Eloise who is everything different from him yet so perfect he can't help but fall in love with.
Don't Copy My Story ** Dania, gadis miskin yang mendapatkan banyak kesialan. wajah cantiknya sama sekali tidak bisa membantunya. karena siapapun selalu menawarkan hal buruk padanya sebagai imbalan, dan Dania sosok gadis baik yang ingin mencapai segalanya dengan kemampuannya. hingga akhirnya dia jatuh cintta, cinta yang membawa keberuntungan dan juga kesialan di saat bersamaan. ** Dewinorma
Sweet Love and The Crimes
Sweet Love and The Crimes
Duke Rexon, son of a billionaire, was one of the most popular Kids in the Lisbon estate until the shocking death of one of his teachers in Moleaf High College—Edison Tandana. Soon police investigation began... This tragedy followed several others until the unwelcomed appearance of Duke’s grandmother, Pamela Xobed. The evil genius who turned Duke into a brainless child, and got him prepared for the unbelievable. As Duke’s education suffers, he soon became the instrument of terrible undying vengeance. His sixth target for his vegetable experiment was the family of Bruno Strullid—the same family he got a crush on a thirteen-year-old girl, Sandra Strullid. “...kill them all.” The mystery voice came again. And Duke Rexon knew he must not stop until everybody dies... Everybody in Lisbon must feel the wrath of his pistol... NOW OR NEVER— Is the purple Old Witch behind his vengeance? Or— Duke's crush on Sandra Strullid gradually metamorphoses into a life of love and passion that spiraled far beyond the realm of humans. Duke is in a coma and he is dying! Sandra Strullid is determined to bring the love of her life back but has to visit the realm of the immortals amid other obstacles— Did she die or survive to rescue the love of her life? It is worth finding out how it all went wild!
Only If You Know
Only If You Know
Olivia or Livy for short. She has been through a lot. More than you possibly can imagine. She has lost touch with her true self. Old Livy may still exist deep within her soul, but to others, she is nothing more than a girl with a stone heart who doesn’t feel pain. Caleb pretends to have the demeanor of a bad boy, but he is far from it. Yes, indeed! He is a popular jock, but he is not your typical bad boy. Perhaps he did not suffer as much as Livy did, but he witnessed someone close to him destroying his or her life. What happens if they cross each other’s path? Will they fall in love, or will they despise each other? Will Caleb be able to restore Livy to her former self, or will he push her even deeper into the unknown? This story will provide an answer to every question.
Amaba el romance, pero no creía en príncipes azules ni en finales felices. Más bien me atraía los príncipes negros, aquellos misteriosos hombres, que lo único que hacen en ti, es activar una atracción difícil de quitar, que te hacen descubrir ese lado oculto que todos tenemos, esos que tienen el cartel de prohibido y peligro con luces de neón alrededor suyo. Exacto, los chicos malos. Y Alessandro Rizzo lo era. La primera vez que lo vi, su belleza me deslumbro. La segunda vez que coincidimos, decidí hablarle. Lo que no contaba, era con la ignorada olímpica que me dio, fuera de ponerme triste, me puso ansiosa y deseosa por conseguir su atención. La tercera vez, lo tenía apuntándome con un arma en la cien. La cuarta, lo estaba salvando de la muerte. Sabía que no estábamos hechos para estar juntos, su mundo y el mío eran muy distintos...o eso pensaba yo. Pero la atracción que había, era mucho más fuerte que la razón. Sabía de antemano que solo yo perdería en esto, pero no lo pensé dos veces, y me tire al abismo sin tener la certeza de que sería atrapada al caer. Solo podía pensar. ¿Estará él, al final del abismo?
Pick You Up
Pick You Up
Kilauan berlian ataupun intan permata kalah jika di bandingkan dengan dia, kekasihku, wanitaku. Hanya saja, kilauan itu menghentikanku sejenak. mendalami apa sebenarnya tujuanku bersamanya dan saat pertanyaan itu tiba, aku melangkah mundur, menjauh dan meminalisir lukanya. Meski saat ini aku melupakannya. DAVIAN AIN MARSHAL __ Aku di sini untukmu, untuk mengembalikan semuanya. Ingatanmu dan juga kenangan kita. Mengingatkanmu tentang masa lalu yang terlupakan. Menguak kembali semua bahagia dan luka, di waktu yang sama. LAKHAESA RHIANNAN ALLEN
La sangre llama
La sangre llama
La familia es el vínculo más importante de la sociedad, la base de los principios y las personas que más te amaran siempre. Pero uno no se enamora de alguien de su propia sangre. Alguien que tiene el mismo ADN que tú. El incesto es un pecado, es mal visto por la sociedad y es algo que no debería ni pasar por tu mente... No eliges de quién te enamoras ¿Pero hasta que punto se puede resistir si la sangre llama de esa manera? ¿Se puede destruir una familia, por sentimientos como esos? ¿Hasta que punto llega un amor así?
Memilikinya tabu bagiku, mencintai dirinya membuatku semakin terluka dalam. Aku tidak akan pernah menjadi miliknya, karena sebuah kenyataan sial yang menimpa hidupku!
Dewasa Baru
Prisionera De Un Magnate
Prisionera De Un Magnate
Rohan Nahel Khattab es un empresario rico y guapo que va a México para escapar de su familia, pero una noticia lo hace tomar una decisión que no quería. Tamara Guerrero es una adolescente que tiene una vida alocada gracias a que parte de su infancia vivió en un orfanato; ella solo quiere ser libre cueste lo que cueste, pero no pensó que sería parte del plan de un árabe millonario. Mientras que Tamara piensa que Rohan es inocente en la locura que cometió en una noche de borrachera, la realidad es otra. Y mientras Rohan piensa que Tamara solo es parte de su jugada perfecta, comete el error más grande. Enamorarse de ella no era parte de su plan.
Memories In The Future
Memories In The Future
** "Hentikan Kennan." Dorongan ringan dan suara serak khas wanita menangis, menghentikan Kennan dan kecupannya. Milly membuka matanya, bibirnya bergetar. "Aku tidak ingin patah hati lagi." Milly menatap mata Kennan dengan tajam. Kennan, hatinya perih mendengar kata itu dari gadis pujaannya. "Satu minggu saja. Kau mau menjadi kekasihku lagi? Satu minggu." Entah kenapa Kennan mengucapkan kata semenyakitkan itu untuk Milly. Milly terdiam, menatap mata Kennan dengan berjuta pertanyaan yang berlarian di dalam kepalanya. "Kau gila?" Milly melepaskan dari kukungan Kennan dia berbalik. Milly tidak menggubris. Dia memaksa pintu VIP itu terbuka. Kennan menekan pintu dengan kedua tangannya di kanan dan kiri Milly. "Aku mohon, setelah ini aku akan hidup bersama orang yang tidak aku cintai. Setelah ini, aku akan hidup sepeti mayat berjalan. Untuk terakhir kalinya, aku menginginkanmu, Milly." **
Temporary Wife
Temporary Wife
A favor that she could not refuse. A favor that will make her close to the man that she loves even in just a small time. But came along it was her own twin sister will give her a twist of pain.
Hot For You
Hot For You
Nate and Mia have been best friends for some time. Nate has identified himself as gay but recently he has been having erotic thoughts of his best friend. He knows this is a threat to his identity and he is not even sure he is gay again. He tries to deny the attraction he feels towards her. When their relationship is finally in the works, someone from the past steps up trying all means not to make it work. Mia has to be strong because her relationship with Nate is now on the verge of breakdown. How does she keep it from breaking?
Entre mi amor pasado y mi amor presente
Entre mi amor pasado y mi amor presente
Mariely está feliz ahora, está enamorada de Ruben, tiene muy buenos amigos y su vida ya no es la que era pero luego de tanto está feliz... Pero ese fantasma de su pasado vuelve para recuperarla, nunca murió y esto hará que Mariely decida entre su pasado y su presente, para definir su futuro... ¿Se puede estar enamorada de 2 personas a la vez? Mariely deberá decidir entre 2 amores que tienen su corazón...
