The astral ways saga
The astral ways saga
William James, a scientist and intermediary in forbidden cosmic technology as well as a second-class criminal... Since he lived alone and isolated from his race, he has never met almost any human being, all his acquaintances have become monsters, demons or aliens...., as he advances in Age, William knew that he could no longer maintain his youth by relying on chemical drugs, and found himself between two options… death, or… death… at this moment, he was 190 years old, and he was literally in a position where Death smiled and waited patiently.... [Enough energy has been provided to start, and the chip’s abilities will be applied to the soul without the body as requested by the master.] After William heard this, he smiled a crazy smile. For the past five years, he's been working on this invention that will change his life... his future... and maybe his past as well. “Yes Babe, Class II criminal jumped off the top of the seventieth floor, I repeat, mad scientist William committed suicide.” said the helicopter driver while staring at the corpse of William James in a terrifying sight.. His body was bloody.. but with a smile on his face.
The story is about a woman who falls in love with an almost perfect man... An immense love arises between them as they synchronize their thoughts in an amazing way. They have similar and strange tastes, like each other and read each other's minds. She is a very noble woman with good feelings. Since she was a child, she began to like the occult and esotericism. She loved math and numerology. She scared many with those strange tastes but her actions were beautiful. She helped her peers selflessly. He was a very wealthy man, reserved in his private life, a mathematician, geometer and artist. He loved music just like she did. He kept a huge secret in the depths of his being... That secret built a chasm between the two of them! The real hell came into their lives...
Sourabha Rajyam - The Land Where Women Don't Matter
Sourabha Rajyam - The Land Where Women Don't Matter
Srilatha has just graduated with a Doctors degree in “Ancient Earth History – A study of the gender disparity between men and women over the ages”. She starts work as a history professor in a far off province in an alien empire. she comes across a lot of discrimination towards women in that empire that she is helpless to prevent. So, she starts recording the events in the hope that things will change for the better in future. This book has several chapters that show the struggles of women in a misogynist world that completely favours men.
Steamy Stories
The Path To Perfection
The Path To Perfection
Al'ravee spent ninety-five years living the typical life of a mortal, only for him to wake up from his grave five years later to find out that he wasn't what he thought he was and that the last hundred years were just a scheme for his parents to raise the most perfect being in existence. Faced with his new reality, he quickly realizes that he has to drop his mortal way of thinking if he wanted to have a comfortable life in the vast universe. From planet-busting spaceships to unique creatures capable of superhuman feats and magicians from other separate dimensions. Let's not forget his fellow gods that could reshape continents. With new the ideals, mentality, desire, and ambition he never knew he could have, He decides to carve a path to reach his goal. The only question is ' To what extent is he willing to go to achieve the impossible.' " A lot of people want to reach the peak of existence for different reasons. Some are just power-hungry others do it to support their righteous sense of self, he did it to bring his loved ones back to life, she did it for revenge and that guy just doesn't want to be pushed down by anyone. Well too bad for you. I am the bully who will continuously push you down. I am the one who you want revenge against. I am the one who killed your loved ones. I am that final boss that you just can't beat. I am the one who will take that power that you seek and crush you like the weakling you are. Do you know why" He said towards the army of demons and gods flying towards him. He got ready to jump off the tall building to confront them as he flexed his muscles. *BANG* Like a bullet, he shot off with explosive speed. " IT'S BECAUSE YOU STAND IN MY PATH TO PERFECTION"