Reincarnation: Bad Karma to Ultimate Power
Reincarnation: Bad Karma to Ultimate Power
A young boy was born with a large amount of bad Karma that causes destruction wherever he goes. He journeys off the Earth to find out why he has such bad karma and also make friends. And with the help of his friends, he fights obstacles along his way and becomes all powerful in this epic tale of comedy, romance and karma
Mafia King's Adorkable Bride (Season 2)
Mafia King's Adorkable Bride (Season 2)
They were finally together and gave birth to a lovely son and daughter. She felt that it was time for her to work for her career, set up her own jewelry design company, and learn to manage employees and work with them. And of course he supported her and helped her. When everything was gradually on track, she disappeared. It was his vicious brother who came back and "invited" her to have talk. Obviously, this terrible man still has a deep resentment towards her and her husband. Will she be rescued and reunited with her lovely children? Will he be able to plan his strategy in the face of his returning scheming brother and the woman he loves so much? Will her professionalism lead her to growth and success, or more complex traps and dangers? Tip: Season 2 is more about FL and ML's children's love stories, and how FL and ML live their sweet life after marriage. Enjoy the first 30 free chaps and decide whether to continue.
Modern Romance
Meant to be forever
Meant to be forever
I looked at her amused. I got up from my seat and stood infront of her. Not too close, not yet. ''You imagine too much Ms. Vitale. I can assure you that I'm not plotting anything, although I did plan something different". I whispered the last part. ''W-what?'' She asked looking confused. Cute. ''I'm sorry for what happened that day. You are right, I shouldn't have kissed you without your consent.'' I said taking a step forward. ''You are sorry?'' She asked looking surprised. I chuckled. ''Yes'' I said taking another step. She leaned back slightly, it's almost unnoticeable, but didn't move from her place. Trying to look brave huh? ''T-Then why are you doing all this?'' She asked in low voice. I took one last step. We are finally too close. I can feel the heat radiating from her body. I started trailing my fingers from her arm to collarbone, she shuddered and goosebumps erupted on her skin. I leaned down, brushing her earlobe with my lips, making her breath uneven. ''Are you in a relationship Ms. Vitale?'' ''N-No'' Her words came out in a whisper. ''Good.''
Her Bidder (Savior or Villain) Book-I
Her Bidder (Savior or Villain) Book-I
A girl named "Swara" spending her life, by doing a job in one cafe in the city of "London." She was happy in her small world created by herself. However, her life changed when she got kidnapped one day while returning from her job at night. Later, when she opened her eyes, she found herself tied with a pole. And in front of her were standing the people, who were having the sight of vultures. "No...," she murmured in fear.
Mafia Men's Golden Flowers
Mafia Men's Golden Flowers
This is the story of the "King of the Italian underworld" and his "2 best friends also right-handed men". You will read how "3 golden flowers" entered the life of these mobsters. Not just in life, but directly to their soul, heart and home. These men who hate women, will be wrapped around these little girls' fingers, just at first glance. Men who fight with the world for power and money, how will they fight for their happiness? For their love? Wolves for the world but clingy pups for their girls — how will the Mafia Leaders handle their new found world? ——————————····· THIS "not" is a serious novel. This is a cute, comic and romantic novel. With mature content. If you want to laugh, then come my friend. ——————————····· Couple No. 1 Girl: "Can I call you brother?" Boy: "No , but you can call me daddy". Girl: "..." ——————————····· Couple No. 2 Girl: "Oh God! Why the hell are you so obsessed with my butt?" Boy: "You are the one who always wear cloths so tight ,, and my innocent mind starts having your images in doggy style". Girl: "YOU FUCKER!!!" ——————————····· Couple No. 3 Girl: " Oh My phone is Ringing". Boy: "Who is calling?" Girl: "My Boyfriend" Boy: ⊙︿⊙ ——————————····· # Mafia # Stalker # Love # Romance # Fun # Pranks # Sweat revenge # Mature Contents # Violence (sometimes) # Cute love ——————————····· Follow me on Instagram for all novel related photos: @onceuponafoxy (Millie ) ——————————·····
Mafia King's Innocent Bride
Mafia King's Innocent Bride
Vincent Hastings, the ruthless Billionaire and the most fearful Mafia King in New York. He is the boss, he can get everything that he wants whether he does it with bare hands or by force. Just like how he forced Sophie Laurens, youngest daughter of Albert Laurens, one of the richest men in New York who had an agreement with Vincent to have one of his daughters marry him. He willingly offered his youngest one, not minding what the consequences are, not minding what Sophie's future might look like.
Mafia King's Adorkable Bride
Mafia King's Adorkable Bride
When a seventeen-year-old girl accidentally saves the life of a cold-blooded mafia king, instead of becoming a victim in a gang fight, the girl becomes the wife who turns the fierce mafia king into a sweet boy. She is innocent and cute, he is cold and decisive. He is almost ten years older than her, but he cannot resist the special feeling she brings to him. She scorns his complex, dark world, yet is unconsciously drawn to his dangerous aura, not to mention, her family, which is no better than anything sinister in this world. And so the fates of the adorkable girl and the young mafia king become entwined ......
Modern Romance
Mafia King And Nano Influencer
Mafia King And Nano Influencer
She was a rich American sweetheart, a cheerleader, and an Instagram nano influencer. He was the mafia king of the biggest Russian gang in the United States. Cold, dangerous, with blood on his hands. They should not have crossed paths. But that night, after he saved her in a nightclub from the punks who wanted to hurt her. She then made up her mind to make him her man. However, it seems that before she could make his mafia life a hot Instagram hashtag, she was dragged into his dangerous mafia world...
Steamy Stories
Blocking her wind pipe he pushed her to the wall behind and held her throat so hard that she thought she was going to die. Her eye balls went up almost losing her consciousness when he bent his head and spoke low in her ear gritting his teeth. "I DO NOT TOLERATE DISLOYALTY, MISS STELWART AND YOU INVOKED THE SLEEPING MONSTER IN ME BY SHOWING YOUR UGLY NATURE." Kissing her neck he inhaled her scent and released her with a jerk with an ache on his features. Aliza chokes on her breathe looking at the devil in front of her in fear and trembles in her tone. "Please believe me sir, I'm innocent." Charles looks down at the rise and fall of her pulsating chest. "NO MATTER WHAT I CANNOT STOP LOVING YOU AND I HATE MYSELF FOR THIS." Read Forced ( Love has different shades and one among them is pain.)
Steamy Stories
SYNOPSIS Revenge is always the order of the day in every mafia story, and the fact that the male leads are always bossy, arrogant and ruthless; while the female leads, being the victim or submissive, is another interesting fact. But let’s turn the tables; have you ever imagined a clan with a female head, whose attitude is not different from that of a ruthless and bossy individual? While the male lead is nothing but a weird nerd, soft hearted, but crazy. Meet 25 years old Kyla Leonard, the leader of Wolves Clan, whose mission is to seek revenge over the death of her father, who was killed by the mysterious leader of the Blood Clan. She was determined to terminate his lifespan and every bit of his family, including his nerd son, who ended up becoming her victim. She vowed to make his life a living hell; suffering and paying for the sins of his father. Evans Marshal, the 23 years old son of the famous Clan Lord, known as ‘the mask’, got entangled in Kyla’s mess. He has always been the easy going type, whose dream is to become a professional artist, due to his love for art work. But his dreams became shattered the day he came in contact with ‘the beast’ as he calls her. He has never dreamed of the day when he will have a mixed feeling of love and hate for the pretty but ruthless lady, whose eyes always behold hate and distaste for him. He knew his life will only be a mess and his dream will never be fulfilled as long as he resides in the danger clan, as nothing but a slave to the one and only Lady Mafia, who wouldn’t end his suffering until the day she hears his last breath. Who will save him out of her grip? Only love will answer…
His Innocent Bride
His Innocent Bride
The world's most feared mafia, Ehab Durani, is a 30-year-old man of few words with all bad habits. He changes girlfriends like clothes. His smooth-going life takes a U-turn when he bumps into a timid soul named Wafa Shirley. He falls for her at the very first sight, whereas his father is totally against his will to make Wafa his in every sense. But being stubborn and dangerous, Ehab decides to keep his father out of his life. But the most interesting part is when Ehab comes to know that Wafa is his enemy's daughter. His enemy, with whom he has no good relations, they can't even breathe in the same room for a minute. Ehab plans to learn about Wafa through Lucy, her office manager. He makes sure that she keeps an eye on Wafa by becoming her good friend. Also, Ehab instructed Lucy to find out whether Wafa's disease is real or if she is faking it. As a mafia member, he doesn't trust anyone, so he just wants to be on the safe side. When he finds out that Wafa is innocent and not faking it, he falls for more for her. As Ehab learns about Wafa's past. He is not shocked to know that her own father was using her to kill his enemies but also taking advantage of her rare disease called Dementia. She creates her own scenarios in her mind. She barely remembers anything real of her own. Taking advantage of her disease, Ehab plans a very dangerous plan to kill her father, Keith Evans. The story takes twist when Wafa makes a soft corner in his heart. Ehab starts falling for her more and more. They found themselves tangled in such problems that keep them entangled with each other every now and then. Ehab's dominating side, his intensity, makes her feel sparks. His closeness makes her heart thud. His touches are a cure for all her scars. She learns that she cannot survive without him. He makes the first move and proposes to her one night. But here, Keith Evans plans to send his man to Ehab's place to find out what Ehab is planning. And when he discovers that his daughter is in love with his enemy, he plans to cut them into pieces that too on their wedding day. Ehab promised himself to protect her at every cost, even if he has to sacrifice his life. Ehab plans his wedding not to be announced in front of the world, but Keith manages to find out and kidnaps his own daughter. Ehab gets furious and he himself attacks Keith's mansion and warehouse, killing all of Keith's men and destroying him completely. Ehab knows that Keith has a stupid obsession with collecting various types of currencies, illegally, so he burns them to ashes. As Ehab finishes destroying everything, Keith smirks, aiming his gun at his daughter. But at the right time, Ehab's father shoots Keith. And this is how they overcome all their hurdles. They mark a day for themselves, and she is known as his bride.
The Devil's Bride
The Devil's Bride
He knows who she is. He knows everything about her. He is attracted to her. He is said to be wicked and evil but not to her. Meet Luther, he was an evil mafia,he was wicked and brutal until she came. "I will do anything for you my beloved,I will kill for you,I will be your monster"those were his words.
Can I Have Your Number?
Can I Have Your Number?
He finally asked for my number just like that, OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE! The guy I've had a crush on for how long. Imaani Cyrus has always been more reserved always on her phone unless she's at work. She barely has friends cus she's had to move most of her life, and she's not used to staying in one place. Till she became an adult moved to New York City, and got a job and her own place. Imaani's life has always had its ups and downs or as she likes to call it Alot of excess bullshit. One text can really change alot of things for good or Bad. In Imaani's case WHO KNOWS?!.
Su promesa: los bebés de la mafia
Su promesa: los bebés de la mafia
Quedar embarazada de su jefe después de una aventura de una noche y dejar repentinamente su trabajo como stripper era lo último que esperaba Serena, y para colmo, él es el heredero de la mafia. Serena está tranquila, mientras que Christian es intrépido y franco, pero de alguna manera los dos tienen que hacer que funcione. Cuando Christian obliga a Serena a seguir adelante con un compromiso falso, ella hace todo lo posible por encajar en la familia y en la vida lujosa que llevan las mujeres, mientras que Christian lucha lo más que puede para mantener a su familia a salvo, pero todo cambió cuando la verdad sobre Serena y sus padres biológicos salió a la luz. Su idea era jugar a fingir hasta que naciera el bebé y la regla era no enamorarse, pero los planes no siempre salen como se espera. ¿Podrá Christian proteger a la madre de su hijo por nacer? ¿Y terminarán teniendo sentimientos el uno por el otro?
Un Balazo al Corazón
Un Balazo al Corazón
Enamorarse del mafioso más buscado del país puede ser el peor error que se pueda cometer, porque el peligro siempre te va a asechar y sabes que no estarás segura en ningún lugar donde te encuentras, así sea debajo de las rocas. Camila cometió ese error, se enamoró perdidamente de él y no le importaban las consecuencias que esto traía consigo. Pero la vida no es tan sencilla, su padre en total desacuerdo con aquella relación se aprovechó de la inocencia de su hija y junto a amenazas absurdas la obligó a terminar con él. Un amor que ha ardido en llamas no es tan sencillo de apagar y aunque se apague quedan las cenizas del gran amor que algún día hubo. ¿Podrá Camila superar al gran amor de su vida? Y si este reaparece en su vida, ¿causará alguna sensación en ella? Adéntrate a esta historia y descubre que tanto puede arder el fuego alimentado por el deseo y la pasión.
Games We Play: The Beginning
Games We Play: The Beginning
When Valentina met Matteo in 2019, they both felt as if they’d known each other before even though they never talked. Valentina is the daughter of a successful Russian businessman and has always flown under the radar at school. Meanwhile, everybody knows Matteo Giudice is the first son of an alleged billionaire who is probably, but not surely, the head of the Sicilian mafia. Everything Matteo does seems to be for his own pleasure even though there’s a certain darkness to him that seems to follow him everywhere he goes. Burnt-out from a young age due to his generational wealth, being bored is his biggest problem in life. Valentina seems to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time, always exuding a certain type of magnetism that draws people into her. There’s something about her, as if she has something nobody else possesses, that stirs up Matteo’s interest in the first place. Somewhere along the way of trying to figure each other out, their past secrets and present circumstances derail their seemingly normal lives and they get sucked into a mafia family war. Both families are incredibly wealthy and renowned, with a dark history of past conflicts since the 1940s. But for the first time in 80 years, love becomes a part of war. In a game of love and war, the mind games we play always turn out to be deadly.
Until I Met You
Until I Met You
 She stood nervously opposite this grey-eyed delinquent. No matter how hard she tried to avoid him, he was always coming back to her.     Her heart skipped the more he leaned closer to her. Her back leaned against his desk as her eyes locked with his. He was something words can't describe. " Why are you scared of me, Ariel?" " I'm not..." She stuttered. She seems to lose her breath at just his sight.  " What if I kiss you right now?" That makes her heartbeat skip.   They were inches apart and all she could feel was his hot breath against her neck.  " I'm not feeling very well." He whispered, trailing his fingertips on the naive brunette. " Why are you telling me this?"  " I want you to be my nurse, kiss me till I feel better. Or maybe..." He whispered, leaning closer to her so she could feel him. " Babysit me tonight"   *** She's a good girl. She's no different from a boring introvert.  She likes to read and stay indoors.  One dream she loved was going to Nun school.     She was about to take her vows in the convent, but her dream went down the drain when her male best friend stole everything away from her, tearing away her holy garment as he stole her innocence. She hated herself and her family despised her more for making them lose their positions in church.     Just when she was picking up her broken self, Bad Boy Billionaire, Gray Carter, walked into her life with his mysteries. 
Atada a un matrimonio (ATADA #1)
Atada a un matrimonio (ATADA #1)
Lionel Berlusconi, el Capo di tutti capi, acaba de fallecer. Pero ha dejado un testamento. Donde la herencia de su nieto depende de una mujer. Cristel Wilson, a sus veintisiete es completamente feliz, tiene una familia, amistades, un trabajo que adora y un novio a punto de pedirle matrimonio. Alessandro Berlusconi, a sus treinta y dos ha logrado ser sottocapo y consigliere del Don de la familia Berlusconi. Su padre y su abuelo están orgullosos de sus logros tempranos, lo único que no ha podido conseguir es esposa, a pesar de tener miles de mujeres a su disposición. Ahora Cristel y Alessandro serán atados a un matrimonio no deseado. ¿Qué pasará con ellos?
Solo Una Noche (#1 Trilogía Infierno)
Solo Una Noche (#1 Trilogía Infierno)
La vida de Lillie cambiará en solo una noche, pasará de tranquila a hacer una tormenta catastrófica. Cuando conoce a un mafioso que le llaman "El Diablo." ya nada en su vida será igual. Él se obsesiona y la querrá tener a cualquier costa que sea, arrastrandola a su peligroso mundo, a su infierno. Dónde ella en algún momento tendrá la opción de huir, ¿o tal vez decida quedarse a su lado? ¿Qué puede suceder una vez que conozcas su infierno?
Taming Queen Mafia
Taming Queen Mafia
Warning!!!! 18+ HOW do you feel when you are asked to kill the only man you have come to this wicked world to love????? Notoriously known all over the mafia world as Queen Mafia, for she was mafia herself. Orphaned, abandoned, broken, used, picked up from the streets by Lord Lucario, boss of The Mambas Organisation, who took care of her and nurtured her. She doesn't know what love is, she doesn't know how love feels for she never experienced one when she was little. She became untamable; impossible to tame, impossible to love and be loved. But then, all changed when she crossed paths with the multi billionaire, the domineering CEO of Petersons Kiddies World. As fate had it, she found herself falling head over heels for him. But what happens when she is given a mission to pull the trigger and eliminate..... none other but the only man she had come to love? Is either she does this and gains her freedom or she dies. Would she be able??? Read on for this intriguing story of Queen Mafia.
