The world stands on the brink of doom as an impending calamity threatens humanity's survival. An unassuming celestial event reveals itself to be a harbinger of advanced extraterrestrial technology—a super warship hurtling towards Earth. Global powers, from the North Federation to the Western Empire, find their arsenals powerless against this otherworldly force. The meteorite's cataclysmic impact plunges the world into an ice age, transforming life as we know it. Amidst this frozen wasteland, evolution spawns a new breed of survivors. Decades later, Moorer, Payson, and Meow Meow—an unlikely trio from diverse species—navigate the desolate ruins in a fight for survival. Their journey through a fractured world leads them to Ashes, a fellow survivor in desperate need. Together, they face mutated creatures and treacherous landscapes. But where does this perilous road lead?