Michelle in this life you would be mine

Michelle in this life you would be mine

Author: Gabriel joy
Ever since  Maricela de Ruiz had sought him out, Estabon Malvado found himself cursing the birthright that had given him wealth and power, when all he had ever craved was freedom from the demon that haunted his soul. Freedom to join with the beautiful creature who'd sold herself to him for the meager gift of her husband's life not even her own. A notion that had baffled him at first, never being a man to consider anybody worth dying for. Yet, the more she filled his thoughts, the more he came to understand why she'd done what she had. And despite being brought up in the ways of darkness, reared to fulfill the damnable pact made with the demon Belial by his father and grandfather before him, Estabon came to yearn for the enchanting Maricela to love him with the kind of passion that would sacrifice eternity. The kind of passion that would reach from the heavens to cool the very fires of hell. 
The kind of passion that would destroy the evil within him and save him from a forever filled with darkness.
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