As an ordinary high school student, Lin Yih finds himself thrust into a parallel world. In this strange and perilous world, humans are not the rulers but are confined to the safety of the city walls, while powerful Strange Beasts roam the outskirts, posing a constant threat. In this transformed reality, the education system has shifted its focus to cultivate future beast pet masters, individuals with the unique ability to train and control beasts to protect humanity from the monster invasion. Lin Yih, still a miserable high school student, discovers his untapped potential in this new world. Equipped with a mysterious auxiliary system, Lin Yih embarks on a journey of Top mastery beast master. Along the way, he unravels the secrets of this parallel world and faces epic battles against formidable Strange Beasts. With each challenge he overcomes, his hidden potential is unleashed, propelling him closer to becoming a true Beast Pet Master. Join Lin Yih as he navigates the treacherous suburbs, forms alliances with powerful beasts, and trains to become a guardian of humanity. Will he uncover the truth behind his sudden travel to this parallel world? Can he harness his hidden potential and protect his loved ones from the invading monsters?