The Devil's Ember

The Devil's Ember

Author: Dabized
It was suppose to be a one night stand followed by her death but he saved her and that's where it had all began. 
Emberline Stark, once the epitome of the perfect daughter, found herself in a twisted family game after her mother's sudden death.  Despite her stepfamily's hatred, she cared for them as much as she could. However, everything changed when her stepsister, Aurora, stole her fiancé.
In the quest for revenge, Ember discovers that her fairytale world was far from simple. As she delves deeper, questions arise about her mother's disappearance and a mysterious connection with a bad play boy. Amidst the chaos, she faces a choice between the bad boy, her ex, and her first love.
I am trying to stick to 1-2 Chapters a day. 1k words per chapter.
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