The Prince Coming Out of the Closet

The Prince Coming Out of the Closet

The first person to be pursued by a Buddhist faction, the VS Escape Devil.
In order to avoid his pursuits, he began to create all kinds of illusions: murder, arson, theft, robbery, playing hooligan in the streets, committing all sorts of crimes. The Divine Catch was very infuriated, and the consequences were very serious: white silk, hemp rope, gold daggers, taking turns.
His Royal Highness used his life to explain three principles:
A man has no green on his head, his life with his wife is not beautiful, if a man has green on his head, his wife will beat his teeth all over the floor.
If he didn't learn from Chen Shimei, he could regret all the way to the north of the city. If he learned Chen Shimei, his intestines would be ruined.
Don't pick up Dan Qingyun, don't pick up Dan Qingyun, definitely don't pick up Dan Qingyun!
"Prince, he's lost his sleeve!"
The works of the conscience of the flower leopard will be investigated for tort.
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