The Rejected Luna

The Rejected Luna

Author: Authorzee01
                   "You are no fit to be a Luna,look can't even shift for fuck's sake . How can you be my Luna,I can't ever make you my Luna" he said and I felt my whole world crash before my eye. "I, Hunter Anderson the alpha of the crescent blood moon pack reject you Kelsey Alexander as my mate and Luna of my pack" he said and my wolf howled painful,I could feel my heart breaking literally. And I took off straight into the woods, I ran as fast as my legs could take me, suddenly pain went over me as crash straight to the floor. 
                  Kelsey is the daughter of the alpha, she's half human and half wolf,she has taunted by her step sister for being half wolf. She has always dreamt of finding her mate and for him to accept her for who she is. But what happens when she finds her mate is Hunter,the alpha of the crescent blood moon pack and he rejects her for the same reason.
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