Werewolf Bloody Clouds

Werewolf Bloody Clouds

Author: Hani Maulana
Veron is just a 17-year-old boy who is often bullied by a group of bullies, Jacob, Jamie, and Alby at his school.
Until one day a mysterious man came to take Veron, who was being bullied by a group of bullies, making the three of them also carried to a strange place.
"The scent of a young werewolf apparently, I really didn't expect a young werewolf in a crowd of vampires."
Veron really didn't understand why the mysterious man was looking at him while mentioning a young werewolf.
"Young man! Let's get out of here, this place is not safe for you!"
Again, what exactly is going on? Why did weirdness keep appearing since Veron was 17 years old?
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