Captivated (FREE)
Captivated (FREE)
It all began when Jin, his little sprout, aroused the manliness in him and succeeded in getting his attention. The slight interest he felt soon turned obsessive and possessive that it was now too impossible to pull himself away from him. Hiro never knew his jealousy measured the way he cared towards him, neither does this little man under him knew. It was now too late for Jin to realize. He kept his head down, unable to stare at his eyes. Two thin arms wrap around his muscular shoulders. The sound of heavy breaths and the bed creaking against the wall and floor fill the whole room, but his soft moans plunged his ears, causing him to go berserk. He surrendered and let loose of his control. Kai Hiroshima Woo could only bury his head to his little sprout’s pale shoulders as his speed increases. Jin knew the man was upset, but he never knew he was this upset... Jin, who was pinned under a strong embrace whimpered, his frail and thin body trembled in shriek pleasure and pain he’s not familiar with. The nonstop pounding as his heated body slammed against Hiro’s rock-hard ones. It both turned Jin’s head blank. He was drowning, unable to resurface back by the pleasure he didn’t want to admit himself. How did he end up like this? They were supposed to do a school project. But… He never knew of this before. The blinding pleasure and stimulation he felt were unexplainable. He never knew he was capable of feeling this sensation. Due to extreme embarrassment, Jin covered his small feline face with his bare hands. His pale white skin turns red as he shrinks more to the sheets behind him when a pair of wet and warm lips presses against his forehead. Hiro's gentle kisses trace down to Jin’s hands that’s covering his face. The last thing Jin felt was Hiro’s warm tongue lapping against the back of his hand before everything went into bliss. How did they end up like this?
Cold Water
Cold Water
Nicki Palmer would describe herself in three words: adventurous, ambitious, and fun. She's not your average girl; she gets into trouble at school, doesn't do what her parents ask of her, and likes to sneak out at nights. She can't wait for high school to end so she can pursue her favourite hobby: dancing. Niall Harrison is a troublemaker who happens to hate her. He would describe Nicki in three words: selfish, spoiled, and annoying. The two of them have never been able to stand each other, ever since Rey moved to a public school 3 years ago. All they have to do is get through their last year of school without killing each other before they will finally get their freedom. But that could be a little tough, since they're stubborn, tough, and strong-willed. Their differences may collide, but at the same time, they sort of complete each other. Too bad hate is much more powerful than love. Or is it?
Steamy Stories
Zohan is a high school student who has recently returned from his uncle's funeral. As he prepares for his new school, he discovers a unique marking and survival system at the academy. He soon finds himself meeting rivals who have crossed paths with each other before. Join Zohan on his journey as he navigates through the challenges and mysteries of high school. Will he be able to survive and thrive in this new environment? Stay tuned to find out!
Baby I'm A Sinner
Baby I'm A Sinner
Danielle Piper has never been too popular at school. She gets average grades, has two best friends and all she wants to do is get through her last year of high school alive. That isn't an easy task when she's got a perfect brother, two judgmental parents and a slutty cousin who moved in after her parents passed away. And just when she thought things couldn't get worse, Noah Hudson, the school's bad boy got held back a year for failing English and is now in her class. All she has to do is stay away from trouble; however that proves to be rather difficult when all the boy does is cause trouble. Her last school year will be much harder than she thought; especially since she seems to have a thing for boys who aren't good for her. But you know what they say: "Every girl wants a bad boy who will be good just for her, and every boy wants a good girl who will be bad just for him."
Steamy Stories
Sweet Love and The Crimes
Sweet Love and The Crimes
Duke Rexon, son of a billionaire, was one of the most popular Kids in the Lisbon estate until the shocking death of one of his teachers in Moleaf High College—Edison Tandana. Soon police investigation began... This tragedy followed several others until the unwelcomed appearance of Duke’s grandmother, Pamela Xobed. The evil genius who turned Duke into a brainless child, and got him prepared for the unbelievable. As Duke’s education suffers, he soon became the instrument of terrible undying vengeance. His sixth target for his vegetable experiment was the family of Bruno Strullid—the same family he got a crush on a thirteen-year-old girl, Sandra Strullid. “...kill them all.” The mystery voice came again. And Duke Rexon knew he must not stop until everybody dies... Everybody in Lisbon must feel the wrath of his pistol... NOW OR NEVER— Is the purple Old Witch behind his vengeance? Or— Duke's crush on Sandra Strullid gradually metamorphoses into a life of love and passion that spiraled far beyond the realm of humans. Duke is in a coma and he is dying! Sandra Strullid is determined to bring the love of her life back but has to visit the realm of the immortals amid other obstacles— Did she die or survive to rescue the love of her life? It is worth finding out how it all went wild!
Back in school book 2
Back in school book 2
Svenja and her friends didn't passed their final exam as they demand it to her father, they all passed in their exam by cheat now 10th grade. A new student named Emil who came in the school at first bullied and became close with Xenia, until they made together a mistake, an unexpected mistake... at the mean time, Svenja has a complicated feelings for him and Patrick, as also Julia and Svenja's relationship gets even get colder after a harsh set up happens to Julia, and still keep being nice at her, and Svenja stayed enemies with Pia, as she finds out Pia was stealing Patrick from her.
Finally My Sun Rises
Finally My Sun Rises
A passionate love story of a shy girl. Sara is a shy, beautiful and cute and kind girl, lost her mother long ago in her childhood, being an only child, live with her father and step mom. She has trust issues and lack confidence. But one day, she met her destiny waiting for her desperately. Can this be her chance to gain everything she desired in her life? And what will happen when two different people deal with each other? Will this cruel world let her live peaceful or will her past bring some complicated truths in front of her? What will happen when her personality get together with an ignorant but kinda attractive guy? Daniel who is known for his good looks and boldness. Can he help her see the sun rise in her life? It's a story of a romance, action and drama between two different personalities ... as we know that opposite attracts... lets see how people with totalllyyy different aspects, come along...
Pinky Promise
Pinky Promise
Jean and Marie studying at Liberal International School became classmates and shared something more than what just friends would share. They stood their ground of being best friends, but they were on the way to becoming something more. Because their country had certain restrictions that would cause hindrance in letting them stay together in the way that they wanted to, will both of them be able to fight against all odds or will they be forced to surrender all hope?
Cliques of deer field high school
Cliques of deer field high school
CLIQUES OF DEER FIELD HIGH SCHOOL. Synopsis In deer field high school was Disco 5,perfect 7 and sexy 4 Cliques as they plan to shut each others progress with their secrets. Golden Brennan the stepsister to emerald Brennan ( a member of sexy 4) start schooling at deerfield high school,but that term went wrong as she was rude and stubborn she keeps getting away after abusing anyone who comes her way until she falls into Tyler's (a member of the perfect 7) trap he caught her and tried taking advantage of her,when suddenly a werewolf walked in. Who is the werewolf? What did Golden do to Tyler? How did Golden becomes Emerald stepsister? What'll happen when the school finds out that one of their cliques is a werewolf?
She had onced believed in the idea of do well to be loved well. But no matter what she do, no matter how hard she thrive, she had never felt nor received such foolish feelings. She was once a naive girl, hoping to receive affection, but now that she died, she no longer know if seeking for love was really the right path. Looking up to the dull vision of her body moving on its own and killing herself for the nth time, every second made her heart turn cold. Even loosing the hope in her eyes. A dry and petty laugh made out from her mouth as her heart secretly mourned and also hoped. Someone out there, grant me my greed, she thought, let me live. Just this once. As nothing seemed to happen, she smiled bitterly and closed her eyes. But when she opened it again she was back. But this time, she will change everything. Love? I have money. Attention? I have knowledge. Relationship? I got food. But wait, who are you and why are you doting on me?
Kim Lalisa is a girl who has always wanted to be an idol but two things are stopping her which is her mum who doesn't want her to become an Idol and also her being poor which couldn't make her go to her dream school. But Lisa is a girl who doesn't give up easily decided to follow her dream when an opportunity came for her after meeting with a rich girl who also attends her dream school Lisa being a talkative babbled about her dream to her which the girl help her to apply for a scholarship going on then.
Young Adult
Chilli Peppers
Chilli Peppers
Moving to a new school was never an easy thing for Jane Adams, and being an only child only added to the loneliness. She can't deny however, the love and friendship she has with her parents so when she meets Luca Hemington, she's determined to prove that he's not the beats people see him as because even Beasts have hearts. But it doesn't come as easy as Jane thought making a friend would be. Life shows you more than you expect and it holds many more secrets than you can imagine.