The Alpha's Little Witch

The Alpha's Little Witch

Author: -Jay.D
Amyra was a witch who worked in the Alpha's pack manor as a maid, she had powers that were dormant in her for some reason, though she didn't even know she was a witch until another war started between the witches and werewolves. Though constantly maltreated by the Luna, she doesn't complain and tries to focus on her work. Unexpectedly finding herself in the middle of everything, she discovered who she was and also tried to navigate the powers brewing in her to bring peace and balance. 
But she needed Alpha Caden of Moon River pack to be able to complete this quest. An Alpha who hated her and hates the witches too.
But will it work? Will she be able to save the day and end the killing of both communities she had strong links to? Will the Alpha succumb to the passion and allow himself be uses to bring this peace and balance? Or will everything fall apart and both communities will be left to keep fighting until they both finish off one other?
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