La gran obsesión del millonario
La gran obsesión del millonario
Brianna se acercó a él con obediencia. Al notar su rigidez y vacilación al moverse, Scott se mostró contrariado. "¿Qué pasa? ¿Acaso eres un robot? ¿No sabes a qué te dedicas?" "Sí, a complacerte", contestó Brianna con torpeza, "Pero... es que apenas nos conocemos y... tampoco hay sentimientos entre nosotros..." "¿De qué hablas? No eres más que una cosa mía." Scott replicó con frialdad mientras deslizaba su dedo desde los labios de ella, bajando por su cuello hasta llegar a la clavícula. Brianna sintió cómo el dedo de él continuaba descendiendo hasta posarse en su seno derecho. Ella se mordió el labio y dijo, "Señor Anderson, para usted soy solo una chica más, comparada con las que ha conocido. No creo ser lo suficientemente buena para complacerlo." "Si eres suficientemente buena o no, eso lo decido yo. Además, ¿para qué buscaría a otras si ya tengo una aquí por la que he pagado?" Scott expresó con una voz helada.
Prisionera entre tus brazos
Prisionera entre tus brazos
Nicole Williams es una buena chica, una estudiante universitaria de 18 años. Su hermana la engaña durante una fiesta para entrar en la habitación de un hombre misterioso. Lo que su hermana no esperaba es que la llevaría a la habitación equivocada. Luego de ser expuesta en su noche apasionada en los diarios nacionales, se ve obligada a casarse con ese hombre, quien la hará sufrir inimaginablemente. Bruno Leone es un director ejecutivo multimillonario, un hombre atractivo de poco más de 30 años. Después de ser traicionado por una mujer con su propio hermano, se volvió de mal carácter. Sin querer, pasa una noche con Nicole mientras está en mal estado por una bebida que le dieron. Su padre lo obliga a casarse con la chica, él cree que ella lo planeó todo. Por ello, decide hacerla arrepentirse de lo que hizo, disfrutando y haciéndola sufrir. Nunca pensó que terminaría amándola. ¿Podrá Nicole perdonarlo después de todo el daño que causó?
The lonely wolf (bxb)
The lonely wolf (bxb)
Elias Emerson's life took a drastic turn after he shifted into his wolf. Not knowing what to do, he ran after he was banished from his pack. How will Elias survive from now on and what's going to happen to him? Ryker green is the alpha of one of the strongest and most feared pack in the US. His reputation of killing anyone who dares to challenge him was known worldwide, making everyone afraid of him. He doesn't have a mate, but that's the least of his problems because he didn't want one. Find out more on their journey.... All rights reserved.... Written by: princessjody.... Follow me for more chapters on the way....
The pains in my world (I was far from this!)
The pains in my world (I was far from this!)
THE PAINS IN MY WORLD I was far from this... Written by: Jemimah Temitope Joloko **** Yes harder.oh Dr right there, oh f**k. I moan under him as thrust into me hard but not too fast. Common ride me fast,oh no this dude is a learner. I flip him in the bed and sit on him directly in the d***k taking over. I started riding him crazy as he moaned in pleasure. "What the f***k! get out.``i said angrily. He just cummed inside me when I started enjoying his service. "Am sorry boss man."he bow pleads. "idiot,get out."I shouted and immediately he ran out. I light my cigarette and smoke.Yeah I feel good now. Oh sorry.forgive me for my lack of manners. "My name is Alicia Johnson, don't be surprised, yeah I am a female but boss man. The only daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnson. i am not rich or poor but we are okay.yes middle class. I came from a born again family, in fact my mom was a minister back then in one of the popular ministries. My dad won't talk about him now. she laughed. I understand your feelings. a born again and a minister child living like this?,but wait don't dare condemn it because this is my life now!"she shouted lighten another cigarette. "That hot s**x and this(pointing at the cigarette she is holding)and that(pointing at where hard drugs are kept)are my life now"she said. "They are what make this thing called my life liveable, enjoyable. they are what make this thing called my life active."she said in pain but one could see she is trying best to control herself. "This is not what I have always wished for, but is now my destiny. This is not my decision but is now my direction and position."she said. "I love my life now, yes don't feel bad because I am in love with my life now. This is my world now. WELCOME TO MY WORLD"she said smiling. "Take the popcorn and sit down. yeah i want to take you through the past of my life. Remember you can only go through it, you can't change anything there but you can learn a lesson"she said smiling. THE PAINS IN MY WORLD Welcome to my world. * * Tbc..
Infatuated Desire
Infatuated Desire
"After seeing all this, will you still be able to love me? You surely are not. That's why I was telling you to change your decision otherwise you won't have to see all this." With his one finger, he wiped her tears. His eyes were fixed on her horrified turn yellow pale face. "My love which has been in my heart for years can't be ended in a moment on seeing all this. And my decision will not change till my last breath." In weeping, she went on sitting on the floor. She was on the trajectory of that love where there was no going back. "If this is your final decision then fine. After that nikkah (marriage agreement) don't keep any kind of expectation from me." On her stubbornness, he controlled his rage and said in defeated voice. "If you get tired from fulfilling this one-sided relationship then remember I'm always willing to let you go back. You can free yourself from this relationship." After done with his saying, he turned back abruptly. While Hadia hide her face in her hands and started crying profoundly at what he said to her. Will Wadan accept and fell in love to Hadia who he raised since her childhood? Or Hadia will have to forget him and give up on her love just because he doesn't her worthy to love?
Finding solace
Finding solace
On a massive king-size bed with black covers, Lara stretched herself awake. She drowsily observed her new environment trying to comprehend where she was at the moment. She caressed the covers which were extremely soft to feel. Loving the texture she decided to feel the whole of it. But once her head touched the black soft wool, a sweet cologne of masculinity hit her nose making her eyes widen in realization. Flashes of last night began to cross through her mind causing a slight pang of pain in her head. She got drunk and was carried away by a stranger. She looked at what she was putting on and got terrified. Something must have transpired between her and the stranger. She was currently clothed in black lacy nightwear. And the thought of something happening between them caused a big pain in her chest. She had lost everything. She sat up adjusting her legs to make her chin come in contact with her knees. How could she be so careless, she wondered blaming it on her zero tolerance for alcohol. A quick knock came on the door and before Lara could react a slender young woman not less than thirty walked in. She had long black hair and grey eyes. She had the tall stature of a model curved in the right places but not too skinny as models tended to be. "Ah, you are awake?". She said. Even her voice sounded melodious Lara thought. "Hoped you were still asleep don't be startled. I was the one who changed you last night." She said walking into a room Lara supposed was a closet. Her revelation brought a sudden relief that Lara knew she was seeking. "I'm Lucinda". She said once she was out of the closet." I will help you get prepared for breakfast and...". "He will be there?" Lara finally said and Lucinda nodded. "How good do I have to look?". Lara asked knowing that the stranger must be an extremely wealthy person. She needed to set her ground because rich people tend to be domineering once they helped someone of a lower caliber. "Well, he doesn't need you to look extremely nice. He never liked anything nice." Lucinda said with a slight smile. "He must be mean". Lara said and Lucinda just smiled. After five minutes Lara was transformed into an elegant rich heiress. The short red dress she was wearing outlined her figure perfectly exposing her beautiful long legs. Lucinda helped her put her brown hair into a loose bun enhancing her beautiful glassy brown eyes. She had a light makeup on and Lucinda couldn't help but praise her beauty. "Now, my master is not a gentle person he lacks patience and could harm anyone by a snap of his fingers. To avoid that scenario do as he says". Lucinda said as she led Lara down to the dining room. Lara nodded in affirmation before going back to her exploration. She had observed how humongous and expensive the manor looked. Rich people had a strong thing for large manors that were rarely full of people. She observed how the stairs glittered under the light of the chandelier which seemed to be made out of gold. Once they were at the bottom of the stairs, Lucinda turned to Lara and gave her a pitiful smile before walking to the large doors in front of her. She knocked at the door and a man who looked around forty opened the door. He was dressed in a black shirt which was carefully tucked in. Lucinda nodded her greeting before walking past him. Lara didn't fail to notice how he observed her before he nodded. Gothic was the only thing Lara could think of as she carefully scanned the large dining room.
Loving Cassie Greene
Loving Cassie Greene
Cassie Greene is a hopeless romantic and Mark Wilson is a broken billionaire. They meet and become friends with benefits but no one can resist attraction when it comes to love. But when their is a third wheel love becomes twisted for them
Rising Phoenix
Rising Phoenix
"Mark my words, Mr. Rout, I will bring you on your knees for marrying me under false pretense." she roared. The corners of my lips lift in amusement as I replied, "I will gladly go down on my knees but only for the thoughts I have in my mind for our first night together, my phoenix.And don't always challenge me otherwise I will make you regret it." "I will bring you on your knees and make you bow in front of me out of respect towards me and that's an oath," She cut both of our palms at the same time, reuniting our hands with blood. A fierce battle erupts when a girl finds her life falsely accused of murder and spends her 5 years of imprisonment, but now she is out for revenge. A story about betrayal from her closed one, revenge for her wrongful imprisonment, and ultimately finding unexpected love along the way.
That One Night With My Ex
That One Night With My Ex
Oleya finds it difficult to be the least favorite and priority. She grew up yearning for her parents' attention and love, which she was denied. She grew up feeling the need to please everyone in order to be enough and not be compared to her twin. But when she realized that pleasing them wouldn't be enough to make them love her the way her parents loved her twin, she decided to call it quits and move on with her life. She was happy. She made genuine friends who genuinely cared and loved her. She also met the man who would complete her. The man who keeps her safe in his arms. But then tragedy struck, destroying their relationship. She had lost a life that had broken both her and her love of life. They split up. And that's when everything began to crumble around her. She pleaded and knelt. She lowered her dignity numerous times to beg for his forgiveness. But he moved on while she was still mourning in the dark. Worst of all, he is marrying her twin sister. One fateful night changed their lives forever. She left to move on and reclaim herself. And when she returned, she was ready to confront the people who had caused her so much pain. And do you want to know something else? Oh. Her ex simply ran back to her as if nothing had happened. As if he didn't call her names all the time. The question is whether she will give in and simply forgive and forget. But how can she forget when someone close to her becomes a constant reminder of what happened that night? About that last night, which she can't seem to forget because the only reminder is still with her. That's their daughter. The lovely fruit of what happened last night.
The tough economy forced a girl named Ivy Jovanika to work even harder. She became a waiter in the very famous Shane Restaurant in her city. Not only that, every night she also uses her time to work. "I want clarity on this relationship. Which do you choose, me or Lilyana--your legal wife?!" Ivy asked, clutching her stomach. That's right, she's pregnant because of what she did with Ed Shane--the owner of the restaurant she works for. "That's not my baby! You have a lot of men, it must be another guy's baby!" snapped Ed Shane as he left the table. While holding back tears, Ivy turned on her cell phone. She was desperate, it felt like all these secrets she could no longer keep alone. Will Ed Shane admit that she is pregnant with his child? Will Ed Shane stick with his opinion? What will happen to Lilyana if she finds out her husband is having an affair? Will Lilyana forgive Ed Shane?
Siempre Estado Tú
Siempre Estado Tú
Acostarme con mi mejor amigo fue algo que no debería haber ocurrido. Nos hicimos una promesa cuando éramos jóvenes, pero la promesa fue olvidada hace mucho tiempo, al menos por él, pero no por mí. Yo no olvidé que era mi príncipe azul. Salía con chicas, cosa que no me importaba porque yo aún era menor de edad. Dormíamos en la misma cama hasta el día de hoy, pero nunca cruzamos la línea. El problema comenzó cuando su prometida no se presentó a su boda, y tuve que jugar a ser su novia por el día solo para salvar las apariencias. Esa fue la fecha en que todo cambió. Tuvimos la noche más caliente y me dijo que no debería haber pasado porque estaba saliendo con mi mejor amiga, Candice. Eso me golpeó en las tripas. Debería haber sabido que nuestras promesas estaban fuera de lugar. Debería haber sabido que nuestras promesas fueron olvidadas hace mucho tiempo. Eso duele, pero nada duele más que descubrir que estás embarazada del hijo de tu mejor amiga y no puedes decírselo porque está enamorado de tu amiga.
I took a seat at the window near the coffee porch as a nice and stout man drove up in a Lamborghini. In fact, I was unable to control my disbelief at what I had seen. He opened the wicket and strolled majestically like a monarch as I cast a glance his way and turned to face him. He moved closer to me and I was more shy than everything. "This man is hot and frail, just like my heart." I murmured to myself and sat down.   I took my time gazing at him till he turned to face me.  "Hey, sexy." I got chills as he whimpered in a low tone.   This guy was no one but the richest man's son. He was going to be a billionaire after school.     "Guess what, he likes cool ladies like you," Melissa exclaimed.    Fate decided to play aprank on these two lovers.    It was difficult for them to start a relationship but they could manage and live their love life .  Find out from the story... The revenge of the billionaire's ex... Who calls herself as a girlfriend because she forced herself and had a night stand with a wealthy known guy.
su segunda esposa
su segunda esposa
Christopher Grayston solo quería casarse para evitar que su abuelo le pidiera que se volviera a casar. Como resultado, se casó con una chica que conoció fuera de los asuntos civiles. Quería casarse con alguien con quien nunca consumarían su matrimonio. Así que se conformó con una joven que acababa de conocer parada afuera de la Oficina de Asuntos Civiles, sabiendo muy bien que no la tocaría porque era solo una niña. Camila Mendoza cumplía los requisitos desde que era joven, aunque era una tentadora sin siquiera intentarlo. Los dos firmaron los certificados de matrimonio y se fueron por caminos separados. Sin embargo, 3 meses después, el destino los unió. Camila salvó a un niño y luego se enteró de que el niño que salvó era el hijo de su esposo. A Camila nunca le importó cómo la puta de su marido conducía su vida hasta que conoció a su hijo. Todo estaba bien hasta que su ex esposa volvió a su vida.Un hombre que siempre está en los titulares sobre su vida sexual y una esposa con una misión. ¿Quién triunfaría?
Hendrix Unwanted Woman
Hendrix Unwanted Woman
Savannah C. is the adopted daughter of Mr. Fernando Solidad. Savannah grew up in a loving family, even though she was just adopted. She became the payment for her father's debt, along with her stepsister Sabrina, with this monstrous man, Hendrix Mikael Del Fierro, the heir of the Del Fierro empire. Little did she know this would be the beginning of her miserable life. What would happen if she fell in love with this man? But he can't reciprocate her love, because he was obsessed with her stepsister? Can she continue to push herself in this man's life? Or she will let them find their happy ending?
My Brother Is My Mate
My Brother Is My Mate
'Oceana Daciana, who is arranged to marry the Alpha of her parents' closest friend's son, realises her brother is her mate as soon as she turns eighteen.     She was shocked by this discovery after eight years of searching for him, knowing that she had harboured these heated forbidden feelings for her brother since she was a child.       Gerard, Oceana's brother, returns home. But he doesn't desire her and pushes her away, knowing the dangers and ramifications of having Oceana as his mate. He must leave. He must locate a replacement for Oceana. Because their union is both prohibited and cursed.
My Quadruplets father is a Mafia Boss
My Quadruplets father is a Mafia Boss
The woman with a secret to keep, if love is pure, even if it hurts, will endure for the beloved, pretend so that she is not hated by everyone, but as a result, she is rejected by the people she loves, especially her husband. The woman is stunned by love. Strongest in the whole world but weak when it comes to love. She is Charmaine Wextricca the woman who will do everything just to make her husband love her. But what if the one she loves, loves someone else. What will she do? and she was kicked out by her own family, can she handle it all? What if she found out she was pregnant? what will she do, will it go away? For the good of her and all? She will return, to her former self, as one of the strongest women in the world. Let's follow the story of our heroine, Charmaine Wextricca with her beloved husband Kibb Monteverde, who did nothing but drive her away and hurt her.
Chasing After Him
Chasing After Him
At the wedding, her brother snatched his bride-to-be. She took the initiative to find him and said, "The wedding continues, I'll marry you." He was the male god she had been secretly in love with for many years, so after marriage, she started a "subtle" pursuit of her husband. After repeated defeats and defeats, she finally understood that she couldn't affect his hard stone, heart. She, who had always been obedient to him, finally proposed one day: "I want to divorce you." "What's wrong?" "Loving someone is so tiring." "Then what about being loved by someone?" "...I don't know, you Never loved me before." "Then I will love you from tomorrow." "..." In fact, she doesn't know anything, except that he doesn't say "love" to her, everyone can see that she is held in his hands as a treasure.
Tied By The Destiny
Tied By The Destiny
Do you believe in finding true love in the person whom you never expect to meet let alone giving them the access to steal your heart? It sounds like a fairly tale but sometimes love finds it's way in the hearts of those who never imagined to be tied together let alone falling in love with each other. two strangers are bound in the sacred knot by their families and with the passage of time they realised that.....they are made for each other. When Sophia Stone married the elder son of Ashton family, Daniel Ashton to save her from the wrath of her adoptive parents, she didn't expect him to understand her and support her at every step of their life. Daniel Ashton was brought up to live with the standards of his family,The Ashtons.He never thought about his life and future and when his grandfather asked him to marry the girl he had choosen for him,he accepted it leaving everything on his destiny.
Toxic Marriage
Toxic Marriage
"You won't expect love from me and will please me whenever, wherever I want." *** Passionate bonds linger in their relation which are ignorant to both of them. The strings that pulled them close to each other whenever they tried to isolate themselves from it. They were different, he knew she was his since the moment she was born but she didn't. Even knowing that he began to hate love and turn their bond, which can be the eternal source of gratification into a dusty tomb. Because someone, who isn't meant for him, cheated on him. What will happen when Christian Elvis, a person with a golden heart taint black marries Sophie Skye, a normal girl just to fulfill his lust and a promise he made to someone dear to him and turn their marriage which can become salvation for them into nothing but a mere show of lust?
Daddy's Affairs
Daddy's Affairs
Marrisa Bonifacio spent her whole life eduring all the mistreatment her husband was throwing at her, hoping that one day he would learn to love her. But when her husband mistress showed up with a positive pregnancy test result, Marrisa was done being the good wife, she picked up a pen and signed the divorce papers Three years later, her ex-husband's mother bumped into her with three cute twins that look just like his son, not only that Marrisa is now Boss lady.
