La Lune's Chamber

La Lune's Chamber

Author: heatherravens
Vega never lives her happy life. She always writes and praying to the moon, as her guidance and as her light through her every nightmares. She feels living in captivity because she can't rule her own life. She's not allowed to go outside without the escort of her guards, she even thought that she's a princess but there's no princess whom lives in cruelty. She's also not allowed to speak and voice out what's on her mind, she's only allowed to speak when she's requesting for food , clothes and some needs. 
Though she has a lot of every women can dream of. She lives in a huge house with a number of people to call on when she needed. She can't escape her own reality because she was locked up. One of her servant says " you're too grateful, why asking for more?" but Vega never change her mind, she wants to go outside and see her co ages , experience the same thing too and feel the living of a butterflies in her stomach. She wants to fall in love, thinking that it might save her one day. 
Since her very young age, she knows somethings different about her. That made her forbidden to go outside and live a normal life.
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