My Married Lover

My Married Lover

Author: Jeadaya_Kiya18
Ina, a nanny in the Gomez family, had a peaceful life and no major problems ever since she set foot in their house. However, everything changed in an instant when her employer's husband, Roy Gomez, developed feelings for her, and she found herself falling for him as well.
Nevertheless, from the start, she knew that it was wrong because he was already married, and the woman he married had rescued her from an orphanage. Perhaps fate was exceptionally cruel, making her fall in love at the wrong time and with the wrong person. 
Should she take the path she knew was wrong just for love, or should she continue on the path that was right and proper? Should she fight for her love for the man, or should she bury it and protect his family? Would she become the cause of the woman who had taken her in, experiencing heartbreak again, or would she help her overcome the trauma of her past?
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