When The Dragon Girl Fell Inlove

When The Dragon Girl Fell Inlove

Author: Unusualdee
One thousand years ago, Kunshiya kun was the king of the Dragon clan, an empire built with blood and enmity, after fighting with neighboring countries for hundred years Kunshiya kun won the heart of all the dragons in Atakar and he was named The dragon king.
Tekiya was a beautiful and proud woman, she controlled the inner palace and made sure that no concubine laid any imperial egg successfully. 
Kunshiya was sad and lonely because of his inability to produce heirs.
Salsa was a Dragon slave whom he had met against the war with the east dragon country, the bounty dragon was a white scale dragon with dark green eyes, her lustful eyes caught Kunshiya’s heart, after a night with her ... He ordered her to be kept in a secret mansion outside the city because of Tekiya’s spies.
Kunshiya almost forgot about the White dragon until he dreamt of her talking to him.
“My king, we are going to have  hatchlings,”  
He couldn’t forget the vision he had last night, immediately the next day he sent for the Royal astronomer.
“My king, the vision is true! The moon goddess really have blessed you with hatchlings'' The Royal Astronomer
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